Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

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Featured News

Fanwood Community Gathers for Lighting of Menorah

Fanwood residents and Councilwoman Patricia Walsh turned out Monday night for the ceremonial lighting of a giant Menorah to celebrate Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. The lighting ceremony was proceeded by a procession of cars with Menorahs on top ...

December 31st, 2024|

Attention Fanwood Train Station Commuters!

The Northside Train Station will be closed beginning Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 8 PM for pothole repair, and will reopen Friday, January 3, 2025 at 3 PM. Permit holders may park at the Southside Train Station or along North ...

December 31st, 2024|

Annual Reorganization Meeting

Please join us for The Borough of Fanwood's 2025 Annual Reorganization Meeting and Swearing-In Ceremony on Monday, January 6 at 5 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Borough Hall. A Reception will follow at the Fanwood Memorial Library. All are welcome. 

January 3rd, 2025|
Fanwood Wins 2019 Best Small Town in NJ Showdown
Fanwood on list of NJ's 15 Hottest real estate markets
Fanwood: A NJ Model of TOD 18 Years in the Making
Fanwood Wins for Downtown Redevelopment!

“Almost two decades of hard work is now paying off for our citizens as we see property values rising and young families taking root in our thriving town.”
— Mayor Colleen Mahr

Latest News

Hundreds Attend Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting

(FANWOOD, NJ) -- Hundreds of Fanwoodians attended Sunday’s holiday celebration and tree lighting on the North Avenue lawn of the old train station. The event was held under bright sunny skies and comfortable temperatures for an early December evening. Hundreds of visitors stood in line to see Santa, ...

December 9th, 2024|

Meet The Artist reception for local Joe Schott

Be sure to join us at the library this Thursday, November 14th at 6pm as we meet Fanwood WWII Veteran, Joe Schott, and learn about his remarkable art and life story.

November 12th, 2024|

Annual Holiday Celebration & Tree Lighting December 8th

Come down to the North Avenue Train Station on Sunday, December 8th for Fanwood's annual Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting Ceremony! This will be an all-outdoors event. Enjoy a petting zoo, seasonal music, free refreshments, contests, prizes and more. And, of course, Santa will be there to greet your children!  You ...

December 3rd, 2024|

Who Lived in My House?

Discover the history of your home! On Sunday, December 1st from 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the Historic Fanwood Train Station, residents can explore census records from the 1930s onward to uncover the stories behind their houses. This exciting event is sponsored by the Fanwood Historic Preservation Commission.

November 21st, 2024|