Fanwood Police Department

Chief Law Enforcement Officer, Lieutenant Daniel Kranz:


Non-emergency number: 908-322-5000
Follow us on social media:

“We, the members of the Fanwood Police Department, are committed to excellence in law enforcement and are dedicated to the people, traditions, and diversity of the Borough. We will provide service with understanding, response with compassion, and performance with integrity.”

Name Email
Administrative Assistant Adrianne Relford
Lt. Daniel Kranz
Lt. Ryan Gilmore
Sgt. Phillip Ugone
Sgt. Kevin Stomber
Sgt. Thomas Chisholm
Sgt. Daniel Piccola
Officer Michael Rusin
Officer Kathleen Case
Officer Timothy Green Jr.
Detective Tyler Flowers
Officer Carlos Gonzalez Jr.
Officer Christopher Pineiro
Officer Kyle Rajcevic
Officer Daniel Hudspith
Officer Sean Murphy

Warming/Cooling Station Available

The Fanwood Carriage House (Patricia M. Kuran Cultural Arts Center), which is next to Borough Hall, is available to those who need a warming station in the winter, or a cooling station in the summer. Please let friends and neighbors know that this service is available in the event their furnace or air conditioning fails. If you need use of the building, call Fanwood Police at the non-emergency number, 908-322-5000. You can also come to police headquarters, 75 N. Martine Avenue, and make it known that you wish to use the building. There is heat, A/C, and power outlets for standard electronic devices.

Turn in old or expired prescriptions at our headquarters any time

Safely dispose of unused, unwanted or expired prescription drugs 24/7/365 at the Fanwood Police Department, 75 N. Martine Avenue. There is a permanent drop box in the lobby. For questions, all the police non-emergency number, 908-322-5000.

Identity theft: Anyone can become a victim

ID theft image

Identity theft is a bigger problem than ever before. It's surprising how much of your information is available on the internet. And scammers are always trying new ways to get your info through fake emails, fake texts, phone calls and even in-person visits. We've got all the info you need to avoid becoming a victim right here.

Arrange a Tour

The Fanwood Police Department is excited to resume tours of its headquarters. If you and your group are interested, please contact Adrianne Relford at and include the information requested on this form.

Civilian Complaint Information Sheet & Internal Affairs Report Form

All complaints and forms can be emailed, dropped off, or mailed to Lieutenant Ryan Gilmore,

Fanwood Police Department. 75 North Martine Avenue. Fanwood, NJ 07023.

Click here to view all versions of the Civilian Complaint Information Sheet

Click here to view all versions of the Internal Affairs Report Form

Changes in Gun Carry Regulations in New Jersey

Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on June 23, 2022, in the case of N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen, No. 20-843, the state of New Jersey has removed the “justifiable need” caveat from its regulations concerning the issuing of gun-carry permits. In the words of New Jersey Acting Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin in a letter to all law enforcement agencies dated June 24, 2022:

 “Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision that impacts New Jersey’s permitting law but does not eliminate our overall permitting requirements. Under current New Jersey law, an individual can obtain a carry permit only if they can demonstrate to the reviewing officer that the applicant satisfies mandatory statutory requirements: (1) is “not subject to any of the disabilities which would prevent him or her from obtaining a permit to purchase a handgun or a firearms purchaser identification card,” (2) is “thoroughly familiar with the safe handling and use of handguns,” and (3) “[h]as demonstrated a justifiable need to carry a handgun.” N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4; N.J.A.C. 13:54-2.4. The decision in N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen, No. 20-843, prevents us from continuing to require a demonstration of justifiable need in order to carry a firearm, but it does not prevent us from enforcing the other requirements in our law.

The complete text of the Attorney General’s letter can be found here.

The Fanwood Police Department, in order to provide as much information as possible to the public about current firearms regulations, publishes the following information from the New Jersey State Police:

Firearms Application & Registration System

Firearms Purchaser ID Card & Handgun Purchaser Permit Process

NJ State Police forms website 

Carry Permit Application

Civilian Carry Assessment and Range Evaluation (CCARE) Protocol

Memo to Law Enforcement, CCARE Protocol

Mental Health Form

Applicants with questions may email Sgt. Phillip Ugone, or Detective Tyler Flowers, , or call 908-322-5000.