Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

Robert Schott Created Bench at Nature Center in 1974

Fifty years ago, 16-year-old Robert Schott was looking to complete his Eagle Scout project and was told that work was needed at a nature center being constructed in Fanwood. Robert Schott sits on bench he made for the Nature Center in 1974.  Nature Center bench. Pouring footings with rebar. Mixing cement. Smoothing cement for bench. ...

July 1st, 2024|

Special Brush Pickup

Due to the recent storm, The Department of Public Works will perform a special onetime curbside branch and storm debris pickup in all quadrants of the Borough beginning Monday July 8th.  Residents are asked to place their debris curbside in the street by 7am on July 8th for pickup.  If you have any questions, please ...

June 28th, 2024|

Families Turn Out for Party in The Park

Bright sunny skies greeted Fanwood families who turned out in droves for Tuesday’s kick off of summer in Fanwood with the annual Party in the Park at LaGrande Park. Old and new events were featured this year to the delight of the children who attended with their parents. New this year was a ruby ducky ...

June 26th, 2024|

Council Oks Proclamations, Ordinances for Equipment Purchases and Nature Center Rules

The Borough Council approved resolutions and proclamations and introduced several ordinances at Monday night’s monthly regular meeting. A Proclamation was presented by Councilman Anthony Carter recognizing Juneteenth on June 19th to members of the Social Justice Matters Juneteenth committee: Joan Peters, Delois Dawson, and Sheila Greenwood. Peters said the 7th annual Juneteenth event will be ...

June 18th, 2024|

Cooling Center Open

With temperatures expected in the mid to upper 90s this week, we wanted to remind everyone that the Carriage House is a designated cooling center. It will have air conditioning and power. We ask that if you need to use it, please call the Fanwood Police at (908) 322-5000 so we can so we can ...

June 18th, 2024|

Free COVID Test Kits

Please note that Fanwood Borough Hall has a supply of COVID test kits, for free, if anyone needs one.

June 13th, 2024|

Idling Degrades Local Air Quality

Idling cars, trucks, school buses, public and private shuttle buses, and off-road construction equipment all contribute to the degradation of local air quality. Current state regulations limit engine idling for both diesel and gasoline vehicles to three minutes with limited exceptions. Violations can be issued by New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Union County ...

June 11th, 2024|

Ladies Night Out Brings Excitement to Downtown Fanwood

The threat of rain did not deter hundreds of shoppers from turning out for the 11th annual Fanwood Ladies Night Out in downtown Fanwood on Thursday, June 6th. Local merchants and vendors from around the area set up shop in and around the South Avenue plaza between Fanwood Crossing I and II. The event is ...

June 7th, 2024|

Road Construction Update

Road Construction to commence on or about June 3 on Pandick Court, Robin Road and Second Street between (South & La Grande)Work is anticipated to be complete within three months. For more information contact

May 30th, 2024|