Fanwood is proud to be a diverse, family-oriented community. As such, the Borough supports varied housing opportunities for all ages and circumstances, including housing which reflects socioeconomic diversity. Additionally, like all NJ municipalities, Fanwood is required by law to have a Fair Share Housing Plan to provide housing opportunities for people with low and moderate incomes. The borough’s Housing Element and Fair Share plan can be found Here: 

Fanwood is proud to have developed low and moderate housing opportunities throughout the borough. Completed developments include Station Square and Fanwood Crossings (1, 2 and 3). Below is a table listing the borough’s affordable housing sites included in the Fair Share Plan:

Development Location Total Affordable Units     Type of Units
Cottage Way/Terrill Rd Cottage Way/Terrill Rd  4 2 Moderate, 2 Low
Fanwood Crossing 2 & 3 Downtown Redevelopment Area   5 4 Moderate
Community Access Unlimited  193 Terrill Rd  6 Developmentally disabled units   
Theodora House 204 Terrill Rd  5 Group Home
Madison Group Home 56 Madison Ave  3 Group Home
Paterson Group Home 11 Paterson Rd  3 Group Home
Fanwood RCA 169-173 Reid St, Elizabeth NJ  4 RCA
Station Square Downtown Redevelopment Area  7 4 Moderate, 1 Low, 2 Very Low
Fanwood Crossing 1 Downtown Redevelopment Area  1 Payment in Lieu

7 rehabilitation projects were completed between 2013 – 2015. 

The application and selection process for affordable housing in New Jersey is managed by a NJ Certified Independent Administrative Agent for Affordable Housing. The process requires those seeking an affordable housing unit submit an application and also meet the State’s income and asset guidelines. If approved ,the application is entered into a lottery for random selection.

Future developments include Carano Square, Landmark and 40 South Ave. 

To obtain more information about the application process for Station Square and 40 South Ave, please go to: