The Fanwood Memorial Library will present an Evening of Poetry on Thursday, April 3rd at 7 p.m. featuring local poets Adele Kenny and Tom Plante.

Adele Kenny’s poems, reviews, and articles have been published throughout the U.S. and abroad, and her poems have appeared in books and anthologies from Crown, Tuttle, Shambhala, and McGraw-Hill. She is the recipient of various awards, including two poetry fellowships from the New Jersey State Arts Council, a first place Allen Ginsberg Poetry Award, and Kean University’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Her book A Lightness was a 2016 Paterson Prize finalist.

Adele has long served as Fanwood’s Poet Laureate and she is the founding director of the Carriage House Poetry Series at the Kuran Arts Center in Fanwood and poetry editor of Tiferet Journal. She has twice been a featured reader at the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. Read more about Adele here. Tom Plante was born in New York City, and lives in Fanwood where he publishes “Exit 13 Magazine: The Crossroads of Poetry.” He studied geography at the University of California, Berkeley. He worked for several newspapers, including The Irish Echo, The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times, and The Courier News. Tom published Berkeley Works magazine (1981-1985) and has published Exit 13 Magazine, an annual poetry journal, since 1988. His writing has appeared in The Journal of New Jersey Poets, Lips Magazine, Tiferet Journal, Ireland of the Welcomes, Edison Literary Review, Verse-Virtual, US1 Worksheets, Stillwater Review, and elsewhere. His poetry collections include “Atlas Apothecary” (Finishing Line Press). Tom and his wife, Patricia, live in Fanwood, NJ. Read more about Tom here

Click here for register or go to the library website.