Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

Fanwood Movie Night
Fanwood 5k



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Featured News

Voting and Election Information

Election and voting information for Union County: Polling places open in Fanwood on Election Day, 11/5/2024: Map of Fanwood polling places: Please note that districts 6 and 7 vote at Forest Road Park – NOT at the Library ...

November 4th, 2024|
Fanwood Wins 2019 Best Small Town in NJ Showdown
Fanwood on list of NJ's 15 Hottest real estate markets
Fanwood: A NJ Model of TOD 18 Years in the Making
Fanwood Wins for Downtown Redevelopment!

“Almost two decades of hard work is now paying off for our citizens as we see property values rising and young families taking root in our thriving town.”
— Mayor Colleen Mahr

Latest News

County Mosquito Spaying Tonight

Please be advised that the Union County Mosquito Control will be spraying for adult mosquitoes this evening, Wednesday, September 11, between the hours of 6 pm to 11 pm (weather permitting) in Fanwood on the following streets: Tower Place, Steward Place, and Midway Avenue. If you have any ...

September 11th, 2024|

Fanwood to Host Forum on Affordable Housing Wednesday, September 11

The Borough of Fanwood will host a public information session on affordable housing at 7 pm on Wednesday, September 11th at the Forest Park Building. A question-and-answer period will follow the presentation. The New Jersey Legislature adopted new affordable housing legislation in March of 2024. The borough’s affordable ...

September 10th, 2024|

North Avenue Paving Alert

Please be advised that on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, North Avenue will be closed from Martine Avenue to Midway Avenue starting at 8:30 a.m for road resurfacing. Additionally, parts of Forest Road and Tillotson Road near the Fanwood Library will also be closed. The closure is expected to ...

September 6th, 2024|