Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

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Featured News

Leaf Pick Up Program

The Department of Public Works has received numerous inquiries regarding the fall leaf pickup program.  As of the week of November 4th, all quadrants have received one (1) leaf pick up and the Department is now working to complete the ...

November 14th, 2024|

New Jersey Issues Drought Warning

(Trenton, NJ) – New Jersey has issued a drought warning as the state continues to experience historically low precipitation, above-average temperatures, and deteriorating water-supply conditions. The goal of a drought warning is to preserve and balance available water supplies in ...

November 13th, 2024|
Fanwood Wins 2019 Best Small Town in NJ Showdown
Fanwood on list of NJ's 15 Hottest real estate markets
Fanwood: A NJ Model of TOD 18 Years in the Making
Fanwood Wins for Downtown Redevelopment!

“Almost two decades of hard work is now paying off for our citizens as we see property values rising and young families taking root in our thriving town.”
— Mayor Colleen Mahr

Latest News

Great Birdhouse Contest Winners Announced

The Fanwood Environmental Commission has announced the winners of its Great Birdhouse Contest. First, second and third place prizes were awarded for the children’s category and one prize was given for the adult category. The Children’s winners are: 1st prize: "Home Tweet Home," made by Emma Yegelwel. 2nd ...

September 26th, 2024|

Green Team Collected 420 Pairs of Shoes for Soles4Souls Program

The Fanwood Green Team held a highly successful shoe drive in the spring in collaboration with the Soles4Souls program. Over 420 pairs of shoes were collected at three drop-off locations – Charles Studio, Fanwood Eye Care, and the Goddard School. “I would consider the shoe drive quite successful,” ...

October 2nd, 2024|