Featured News
Hundreds Attend Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting
(FANWOOD, NJ) -- Hundreds of Fanwoodians attended Sunday’s holiday celebration and tree lighting on the North Avenue lawn of the old train station. The event was held under bright sunny skies and comfortable temperatures for an early December evening. Hundreds ...
Meet The Artist reception for local Joe Schott
Be sure to join us at the library this Thursday, November 14th at 6pm as we meet Fanwood WWII Veteran, Joe Schott, and learn about his remarkable art and life story. https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/military/2024/11/08/veterans-day-nj-world-war-ii/75465346007
Annual Holiday Celebration & Tree Lighting December 8th
Come down to the North Avenue Train Station on Sunday, December 8th for Fanwood's annual Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting Ceremony! This will be an all-outdoors event. Enjoy a petting zoo, seasonal music, free refreshments, contests, prizes and more. And, of course, Santa ...
Latest News
Matthew Mui Builds Bat Houses at Nature Center for Eagle Scout Project
(Fanwood, NJ) -- Matthew Mui, a senior at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School from Boy Scouts Troop 33, recently build a series of bat boxes at the Fanwood Nature Center as part of his Eagle Scout project. The Fanwood Environmental Commission oversaw and approved the project. A Scout works ...
Mayor Mahr, Council Thanks Colleen Huehn for 35 Years of Service to Borough
(Fanwood, NJ) -- Mayor Colleen Mahr and the Borough Council thanked Colleen Huehn for her 35 years as a dedicated borough employee at Monday’s council work session meeting. Huehn is retiring at the end of this month. Mayor Colleen Mahr reads the proclamation for Colleen Huehn, right, at ...
Voting and Election Information
Election and voting information for Union County: https://unioncountyvotes.com/ Polling places open in Fanwood on Election Day, 11/5/2024: Map of Fanwood polling places: https://fanwoodnj.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Voting-Map-2024-1.pdf Please note that districts 6 and 7 vote at Forest Road Park – NOT at the Library District 1 and 2 – Vote at Fanwood ...
Halloween Parade and Costume Contest Attracts Large Crowds
Fanwood’s Halloween Parade kicked off Thursday night at the newly Fanwood Library, filling the streets downtown and LaGrande Park with cartoon and movie characters, princesses and superheroes. The parade route proceeded down Martine Avenue and over the bridge to Marian Avenue and LaGrande Park. The Fanwood Recreation Commission ...