No rain and even a little sunshine for Fanwood’s Memorial Day ceremony at the Fanwood Library.

Mayor Colleen Mahr estimated the largest turnout in years paid tribute to our servicemen and women, living and deceased, with a special nod to surviving World War II vets, several of whom attended. Joining the mayor at the podium were Fanwood Council members Kathy Mitchell, Erin McElroy Barker and Council President Anthony Carter.

Fanwood’s surviving World War II veterans were specially honored at the ceremony. Among those who attended were Joe Schott, Dante Mariani and Howard Ruden. Joe Nagy and Earl Phillips were unable to attend. Local Cub Scouts also read the names of all Fanwood soldiers who died in all wars.

Memorial wreaths were laid by local American Legion and VFW posts, along with the Fanwood Police Department, Fanwood Fire Department and Fanwood Rescue Squad.

The keynote speech was delivered by Master Sergeant Oshanda Erb, USAF, a Fanwood resident who is a member of the Memorial Day Committee and active with local vets.

Scotch Plains Mayor Josh Losardo and Council members also attended, along with Union County Commissioner Al Mirabella, a Fanwood resident.

All those who spoke paid tribute to military servicemen and women, living and deceased, who have served our country.


PHOTOS (by Tom Kranz):

1. Wide shot of ceremony

2. WWII vet Dante Mariani, center, with wife Betty and many members of his family

3. Podium, Mayor Colleen Mahr speaking with Council members Kathy Mitchell, Erin McElroy Barker and Anthony Carter, County Commissioner Al Mirabella at left

4. Rescue Squad Captain Ian Lewis and President Jamie Pednioff lay wreath at memorial

5. Fanwood WWII veterans Dante Mariani, Joe Schott and Howard Ruden