The Fanwood Borough Council voted during its regular meeting on July 18, 2022 to reverse a 20-year old ordinance that banned dogs from Borough parks. The 5-1 vote followed months of debate in and outside the Council among town residents on opposite sides of the issue. Councilwoman Patricia Walsh was the lone “no” vote.

The amended ordinance takes effect immediately. There are numerous requirements for residents who wish to walk their dogs in LaGrande Park, Forest Road Park and Carriage House Park. The dogs must be visibly licensed and owners must follow the existing ordinance requiring them to pick up any dog waste. They are prohibited from playing fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, the pickleball court and the skateboard area. Dogs are also prohibited from the children’s play areas.

Phyllis Mahoney shows the Council photos

Resident Phyllis Mahoney, who opposed the amendment, questioned how the new rules would be enforced and by whom. She showed the Council numerous photos of dog droppings in Forest Road Park, then children playing in those same spots.

Resident Carolyn Brink, who has been a vocal supporter of the amendment, testified that there are many dogs in Fanwood and their owners have as much right to use the parks as anyone else. In a previous meeting, she presented a petition with hundreds of signatures from residents who she said supported the amendment.

Council members who voted for the amendment vowed to reassess its effectiveness after a year. Councilwoman Walsh reiterated her position that the parks should be safe havens for adults and children without having to worry about sharing the space with dogs and their waste.

Recreation equipment

Recreation Director Bob Budiansky shows rendering of new playground equipment

In other business, the Council approved a resolution providing $215,367 for new playground equipment for LaGrande Park. It also extended the grace period for third quarter tax payments since the tax rate for 2022 hasn’t yet been set by the County. The new grace period will be printed on tax bills when they finally go out.

Video of dog debate and final vote

Here’s the amendment as passed