Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

Affordable Housing Information

Fanwood is proud to be a diverse, family-oriented community. As such, the Borough supports varied housing opportunities for all ages and circumstances, including housing which reflects socioeconomic diversity. Additionally, like all NJ municipalities, Fanwood is required by law to have a Fair Share Housing Plan to provide housing opportunities for people with low and moderate ...

March 8th, 2024|

Special Library Board Meeting

There will be a special meeting of the Fanwood Memorial Library Board of Trustees - at the library’s temporary location at the Historic Northside Train Station at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, February 28.

February 23rd, 2024|

A Notice To Bidders – 2024 Forest Road Park Building

A  N O T I C E  I S  H E R E B Y  G I V E N that sealed Bid Packets will be received by the Borough Deputy Clerk for the Borough of Fanwood, County of Union, State of New Jersey on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 10:00 am prevailing time at ...

January 17th, 2024|

Dog and Cat Licenses Due

As a reminder to all Fanwood residents, dog and cat license registrations and renewals are due by January 31. All dogs and cats in the Borough of Fanwood are required to be licensed each year. Licenses may be obtained in person at the office of the Municipal Clerk at the Fanwood Borough Hall (75 N. ...

January 10th, 2024|

Swearing in Ceremony

New Jersey Lieutenant Governor Tahesha L. Way poses for a group picture with Mayor Colleen Mahr and the Borough Council prior to Wednesday’s reorganization meeting. Pictured from left to right: Councilwoman Gina Berry, Councilwoman Patricia Walsh, Lt. Gov. Way, Mayor Mahr, Councilwoman Katherine Mitchell, Councilman Jeff Banks, and Councilman Anthony Carter. The Fanwood ...

January 4th, 2024|

Mayor’s statement on migrants transported to Fanwood train station

Statement by Mayor Colleen Mahr January 1, 2024 It has come to my attention that over the New Year’s weekend, Fanwood was one of several New Jersey municipalities where buses presumably carrying migrants from Texas arrived so they could be loaded onto trains to New York. The New Jersey Governor’s office, in remarks to the ...

January 1st, 2024|

Fanwood Reorganization meeting Jan. 3, 2024

The public is invited to the annual Reorganization meeting of the Borough of Fanwood and swearings-in of Mayor Colleen Mahr and Councilmen Jeff Banks and Anthony Carter January 3rd, 2024 at 5:30 PM. The meeting will also be carried live on Community TV and Facebook. Reception to follow at Darby Road Public House 450 Park ...

December 26th, 2023|

Planning Board Meeting Cancelled 12/13/23

LEGAL NOTICE Meeting Cancellation The Planning Board of the Borough of Fanwood has canceled the December 13, 2023, virtual Regular meeting previously scheduled for 7:00 PM. All matters will be carried to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board, to be held virtually on January 17, 2024 session at 7:00 PM. The meeting ...

December 13th, 2023|

Holiday traffic reminders from Fanwood PD

Some timely reminders to school zone drivers and pedestrians during the holiday season: Crossing Guards are at various intersections in town. Please be patient as their job is to ensure the safety of pedestrians and not to direct traffic. Please be vigilant when they are in crosswalks. Police officers will continue to be in school ...

December 5th, 2023|