Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

About Susie Sefcik

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So far Susie Sefcik has created 312 blog entries.

Open Space Referendum to appear on Fanwood ballot

For the first time since 1999, the Borough of Fanwood is placing a voter question on the November ballot. The question seeks approval from voters for an Open Space Tax to help pay for improvements to our parks, recreation, and nature centers, and to contemplate open-space, green space, and conservation projects. The tax levy would ...

August 16th, 2016|

Clock in the plaza will be fixed

On Monday, August 15 the Fanwood Borough Council approved just under $5,700 to fix the clock in the plaza on South Avenue in the center of town, which has been broken for months. The repair will completely replace the clock mechanism.

August 16th, 2016|

Book Sale donation days coming soon

Donation days begin soon for the 30th consecutive Friends of the Fanwood Memorial Library Fall Book Sale. The all-volunteer group starts accepting books, DVDs, and CDs on September 9, and the sale begins September 15. Vinyl records will not be accepted this year. As always, books are sorted by subject for easy browsing: history, romance, classics, art, cookbooks, politics, crafts, ...

August 11th, 2016|

Fanny Wood Day is September 18

The Borough of Fanwood is proud to announce our 21st annual Fanny Wood Day. The celebration will take place on Sunday, September 18 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in downtown Fanwood. People of all ages and interests are invited to attend. This year’s Fanny Wood Day will feature live entertainment, a classic car show, ...

August 11th, 2016|

Wednesday Interim Recycling Program Begins

  Here's what you need to know about recycling for the rest of the summer: Every Wednesday, the recycling center will be open 2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. to accept all recyclables including plastics, glass, aluminum, tin, cardboard, newspapers, mixed paper, electronics, clothing, motor oil, scrap metal and fluorescent bulbs. The Wednesday program will continue until curbside collection begins. There ...

August 4th, 2016|

Residents are reminded to reduce standing water

In an effort to reduce local mosquito populations, the Borough of Fanwood would like to remind residents to be vigilant in your efforts to reduce standing water. Currently, there are no cases of Zika-carrying mosquitoes in New Jersey. However, with the recent rains causing damp conditions, now is a good time to minimize potential breeding ...

August 3rd, 2016|

Fanwood TV being upgraded

If you tune in to Fanwood Community TV these days (Comcast channel 35 or Fios channel 24), you will see a hodgepodge of weather, video programming and some event announcements. We are in the process of upgrading to new digital equipment and are currently starting to reprogram all of our on-screen announcements. The result will ...

August 1st, 2016|

Fanwood Photography Contest wants your best local images

Get out your cameras, pull out your negatives and check your files: it’s time for the annual Fanwood Photography Contest! The 6th annual Fanwood Photography Contest will be held in tandem with the borough’s annual Fanny Wood Day celebration on Sunday, September 18. Photographers of all ages are invited to submit up to three of ...

August 1st, 2016|

Several county recycling events are planned for August

The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders would like to remind you of several free recycling events coming up in August. Union County’s Scrap Metal Recycling continues in August with events on the first Thursday (August 4) and third Saturday (August 20) of each month. There are three locations in Union County for residents to ...

August 1st, 2016|

Eco-Friendly Folks Brave Heat to Visit Fanwood Green Fair

Fanwood's Green Team staged an outstanding showing of sustainability and eco-friendly solutions during the Green Fair on Saturday, July 23. The Fair, held on the front lawn of Borough Hall, featured green-friendly vendors, workshops, exhibits of our Nature Center and Environmental Commission plus information on our new curbside recycling program. Kudos to Kalpana Krishna-Kumar and ...

July 25th, 2016|