A Message from Mayor Mahr
As your Mayor, along with Police Chief Trigo and the head of Emergency Management, Fire Chief John Piccola, we expect everyone will follow the lawful orders of NJ Governor Phil Murphy, especially during a declared state of emergency. Please make every effort to comply with the current restrictions that are in place for our protection.
If you witness an organized gathering of more than 10 people, which is in direct violation of the governor’s order. Please call the police department and report to 908 322-5000.
As a reminder of the restrictions that we should ALL observe;
- Staying at home: Only go out for medical purposes or essential shopping, EG: food and medicine, for yourself or those in need
- Following social distance practices: Observe the 6-foot distance between yourself and others not living in your home
- Washing Our hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing our nose, coughing or sneezing
- If soap and water are not available to use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Wearing a face covering
Earlier today the state reported another 3,361 positive COVID-19 cases, bringing the statewide total to 44,416, with 4,358 of those in Union County. The Westfield Regional Health Department has confirmed 5 additional cases in Fanwood, bringing our total to 25. Below you will find an up-to-the-minute tracker of test results statewide.
I urge Fanwood Business owners to review the resources below, including an online business forum scheduled for TOMORROW, APRIL 8. The forum will include special guest NJ Economic Development Agency CEO Tim Sullivan to discuss the many available programs.
Please be sure to keep your eye on your neighbors, if you or anyone is struggling to meet their daily needs or access to required resources, please e-mail me directly at mayor@fanwoodnj.org.
– Mayor Colleen Mahr
County Update
Effective tonight at 8 p.m., all Union County Parks will be closed until further notice.
To keep your family and all our residents safe, stay home, practice good hygiene and follow all State and CDC guidelines concerning COVID-19.
To learn more about COVID-19 updates pertaining to Union County, or to find resources, go to ucnj.org, and at the state level COVID19.nj.gov
CDC Recommends Face Coverings be Worn in Public Setting
The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.
CDC also advises the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure.
Instructions for making a DIY face covering.
Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.
The CDC also advises that masks should be routinely washed depending on the frequency of use. Individuals should be careful not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth when removing their face covering and wash hands immediately after removing.
Live Stream Business Forum
On Tuesday, April 8th at 4pm Senators Joe Cryan, Tom Kean, and Nick Scutari invite business owners to join a live-streamed discussion about NJEDA programs that can support businesses during the current crisis. The event link (below) will be active on April 8th at 4pm.
Churches accepting donations
Anyone looking to donate food or supplies can do so through the following churches in the area; Fanwood Presbyterian, Saint Bartholomew’s, and the Evangel Church of Scotch Plains. They are accepting the following items for their food pantry program, delivering supplies to those most in need during this crisis:
- Canned meat of tuna, salmon, or chicken
- Pasta
- Pasta sauce in plastic jars
- 2lb-or-5lb bags of rice
- Chicken noodle or veggie soup
- Beans
- Canned fruit
- Canned vegetables
- Cereal
- Apple sauce
- Peanut butter
- Oatmeal
- Saltine crackers
If any individual or family is in need of food for their home, you can text HOPE to (908) 325-5163. Donations can be dropped off at the church on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 10am and 2pm.
Thank you for your support!
Hope is Just a Phone Call Away
Mayor Colleen Mahr and Chief Richard Trigo want you to know hope is only a phone call away.
Are you running low on food?
Can’t get to the pharmacy?
Afraid to go to the store?
If you live in Fanwood and need help we urge you to reach out to us. Please call 908-322-5000 and give your name and phone number to the dispatcher. You will receive a call back from Dianne Howarth who will assess your needs and then coordinate services to for filling your needs. If you have any questions please email Mayor Colleen Mahr at mayor@fanwoodnj.org.
SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program
An SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program offers loans to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
SBA will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities.
Businesses can apply through any existing SBA 7(a) lender or through any federally insured depository institution, federally insured credit union, and Farm Credit System institution that is participating. Other regulated lenders will be available to make these loans once they are approved and enrolled in the program. You should consult with your local lender as to whether it is participating in the program.
Lenders may begin processing loan applications as soon as April 3, 2020. The Paycheck Protection Program will be available through June 30, 2020.
For more information please visit sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/coronavirus-relief-options/paycheck-protection-program-ppp