If you operate a home-based business in Fanwood, please get in touch!
For the last year, Liz Jeffery, Fanwood Downtown Business Liaison, has been working with downtown merchants to see how the Borough can help support local business. Liz has long experience in business development and is a terrific resource we’d love for you to learn about. Our objective is to help. We want to ensure that you have access to all available resources, network with one another and potentially collaborate where profitable.
Mayor Colleen Mahr will be hosting a special reception for Fanwood’s home based businesses this Spring. The details will be forthcoming on the web so keep your eyes peeled. We want to help you thrive, so please reach out with your contact information so we can alert you to upcoming events.
To get on the mailing list send your contact information to phoynes@fanwoodnj.org or telephone Pat at 908-322-82136 x 121.