2024 Fanwood Master Plan


The Borough of Fanwood is required by Law to update the Master Plan from time to time.  Originally adopted in 1998, our current Master Plan has been reviewed several times in the intervening years, most recently 2021.

A Master Plan is the guiding policy document that Borough Officials use to make decisions on our behalf and relates to a variety of local issues including Land Use Planning, Recreational Facilities, Local Infrastructure, Climate Change Vulnerability and much more.

Public engagement is part and parcel of the Master Plan program, and the Borough held a Public Meeting on this issue on October 23rd at Forest Road Park where the PowerPoint below was shared, and the public was invited to share thoughts on their feelings about Fanwood today.  In that spirit, please consider adding your thoughts by completing the survey below.

Prior to the next Public Meeting, to be held early in 2024, we hope to have compiled your input for inclusion in the 2024 Master Plan.

Please be an involved citizen and respond to the survey below.  We value your input!



Fill out my online form.