Fanwood Borough’s Settlement Agreement with the Fair Share Housing Center (FSHC) requires that the Borough comply with the midpoint realistic opportunity review requirements of the Fair Housing Act (FHA) at NJSA 52:27D-313. Specifically, Paragraph 16.a of the Settlement Agreement stipulates that:
For the midpoint realistic opportunity review due on July 1, 2020, as required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27D-313, the Borough will post on its municipal website, with a copy provided to FSHC, a status report as to its implementation of its Plan and an analysis of whether any unbuilt sites or unfulfilled mechanisms continue to present a realistic opportunity and whether the mechanisms to meet unmet need should be revised or supplemented. Such posting shall invite any interested party to submit comments to the Borough, with a copy to FSHC, regarding whether any sites no longer present a realistic opportunity and should be replaced and whether the mechanisms to meet unmet need should be revised or supplemented. Any interested party may by motion request a hearing before the court regarding these issues.
This report has been prepared in response to the foregoing requirement for a midpoint realistic opportunity review.