Mayor Colleen Mahr, members of Council and recycling officials heard from more than two dozen people Tuesday, Feb. 23, during a crowded town hall meeting at Forest Road Park on recycling in the borough.

A standing-room-only crowd of more than 125 people turned out on the rainy night to comment on possible recycling options, including retaining the present recycling center, moving to a curbside system using a commercial firm or combining the recycling center and a curbside operation.

In recent years, the 28-year-old recycling center, which is run by the non-profit Fanwood Scotch Plains Recycling Assoc., has been faced with lower income on falling prices for the commodities collected and a decline in the tonnage of recycling handled. The borough has provided funds to keep the recycling center in operation but felt it was important to explore other options.

Residents and non-residents alike lined up for more than two hours at the meeting to offer comments and suggestions on Fanwood’s recycling situation.

Mahr says that people who weren’t able to attend the meeting and have a question or comment, or who were there but thought of a question of comment after the meeting, can send her an email at