Senior Services

Courtney Agnello, Senior Coordinator
908-322-8236, ext 123

Councilwoman Mitchell with senior club members

Fanwood Senior Club

The Fanwood Senior Club, in existence for more than 60 years, meets several times a month to offer senior citizens friendship, camaraderie and activities to do together.

The Club’s meeting schedule is as follows, every month except July and August:

1st Monday of the month: Planning meeting, 10 a.m., Forest Road Park
2nd Monday of the month: General meeting, 10:30 a.m., Forest Road Park
4th Monday of the month: General meeting, 10:30 a.m., Forest Road Park

All members are welcome at all meetings.

Senior Registry Survey

Fill out the form below and bring it or mail it to the Borough Hall and the Fanwood Police will check up on you during times of extreme weather or other emergencies. All information is kept strictly confidential and is used by the police only to call on seniors to check on their well-being.

Senior Transportation

Please click on below links for information on senior transportation.

Senior Café: Delicious Meals and Social Connections for Union County Seniors!

Senior Café offers a welcoming and social environment where seniors can connect with their peers, enjoy a nutritious meal, and participate in a range of engaging activities.

There are no income guidelines to participate; however, each participant will have the opportunity to make a confidential suggested voluntary donation of $1.75 per meal. No one is ever denied a meal based on their inability to pay. Donations are used to offset the cost of the meals and to expand the program.

There are several locations throughout the County. Locations and dates can be found at Fanwood residents may participate at any Senior Café location, but note that Scotch Plains hosts lunch on Tuesdays at Shady Rest Country Club (820 Jerusalem Road, Scotch Plains)11:00 am – 12:00 pm. Please call to make a reservation for Scotch Plains by the Thursday before the date you’d like to attend. Reservations can be made by calling the County at 908-527-4877.

Here are a few items to keep in mind:

  • Reservations are required. Please call the location of your choice at least two days in advance of your desired date.
  • Lunch is served Monday through Friday (unless otherwise noted, please check the list of participating locations at for more details).
  • Donations are voluntary and confidential. You will not be denied service if you are not able to donate.
  • Monthly Menus are available to review but items are subject to change. However, each meal is nutritionally balanced to meet the dietary needs of active adults.
  • February Menu can be found here:

Farmer’s Market Vouchers for Seniors from Union County

The Union County Board of County Commissioners is excited to announce that Farmers Market vouchers are available for eligible Union County seniors. Each eligible senior can obtain a $50 e-benefit card to purchase “Jersey Fresh” fruits, vegetables, and herbs at participating Farmers Markets.

To be eligible, seniors must be age 60 and older. A single person’s annual income cannot exceed $2,322 per month, and a married couple’s combined income may not exceed $3,152 per month.

Eligible seniors can apply by calling the Union County Division on Aging at 908-527-4870 or 888-280-8226, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A limited number of vouchers are available, and applications will be evaluated on a “first-come, first-served” basis.

Prescription Drug Assistance & Hearing Aid Assistance

The NJ Division of Aging services administers these programs for seniors:

  • Pharmaceutical Assistance to Aged and Disabled (PAAD)
  • Hearing Aid Assistance for Aged and Disabled (HAAAD)

Click here for eligibility information for these programs

or call the NJ Senior hotline, 1-800-792-9745.

Utility Assistance

The Lifeline Utility Assistance Program provides a credit of $225 for New Jersey homeowners or tenants to pay for gas or electricity.

Click here for eligibility information for this program

or call the NJ Senior hotline, 1-800-792-9745.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels are provided to residents in Fanwood and Scotch Plains by two different agencies. If you know someone who could benefit from receiving low-cost meals delivered right to their home, call Meals on Wheels, Inc,


Union County Senior Resource Guide

Senior Resource Guide
Indexed guide to Union County services for senior citizens.
Senior Resource Guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 36.1 MB

(Note: This is a large file that might take a minute or more to download)

Also from Union County is a document from the Division on Aging & Disability Resources. Click here for an excellent roundup of services for seniors.

Senior Freeze Property Tax Reimbursement Program

There are specific property tax reimbursements and abatements available for senior citizens. All information and applications are here at the NJ Division of Taxation website. The deadline for applying is October 31, 2024.

Senior Handyman Service

Senior handyman programResidents ages 62 and over may take advantage of the Senior Handyman Service for minor home repairs. More information and an application is found here.
Aging in Place Program – Home Repair for Seniors through Greater Middlesex and Morris Habitat for Humanity.
GMM Habitat believes everyone deserves the opportunity to age with dignity in their own home and community. The Aging in Place (AiP) program makes accessibility, energy efficiency and home improvements for seniors of Greater Middlesex and Morris Counties and the communities of Fanwood, Plainfield, Scotch Plains, Green Brook, North Plainfield and Watchung. Our goal is to help seniors live in their own homes longer and maintain their independence. GMM recognizes that communities are only as strong as the families who live in them, and families are financially and emotionally stronger when they have a decent place to live. For additional information or to apply visit or call 973-891-1934. Information on the program can be found here.