The Borough of Fanwood maintains a legacy of respect and admiration for the service of our military veterans. We are pleased to present news, events and resources for our veteran community.
“Veterans First, Veterans Always”
Communicate with us: wevalueourvets@fanwoodnj.org

Fanwood’s Veterans Committee Stands With Eagle Scout Michael Mahaffey During Corporal Robert Wood’s Street Sign Dedication

United States Air Force Honor Guard Presents Flag Honoring Robert Wood

Memorial Wreaths laid by VFW Post 10122, American Legion Post 209, the Fanwood Police Department, Fanwood Fire Department and Fanwood Rescue Squad.

Keynote speaker Air Force First Sergeant Oshanda Erb gives address at 2023 Memorial Day ceremony

Mayor Mahr Greets Major Patrick Moore as He Surprises His Family Returning From Deployment

Schotts & Marianis

United States Air Force First Sergeant Oshanda Erb Presents at McGinn’s Fourth Grade Classes for Veterans Day

Mr. Joe, Third Vice of the American Legion Post 209 and Army Veteran Reads to Evergreens Preschool and First Grade Class
2023 Veterans Day Deals, Discounts and Freebies– To honor members of the military, these restaurants, retailers along with travel and entertainment are offering free meals and discounts on or around Veterans Day, November 11.
Hope For The Warriors – A national nonprofit that provides assistance to combat wounded service members, their families, and families of those killed in action. Focuses on those involved in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Team Red, White, & Blue – A national nonprofit that helps guide veterans through their journey with real-life and virtual opportunities focused on building a healthier lifestyle. Team RWB believes a strong focus on mental and physical health is critical to ensuring veterans’ best days are ahead.
Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) – A national nonprofit and charity that honors and empowers Wounded Warriors who incurred a physical or mental injury, illnesses, or wound, co-incident to military service on or after September 11, 2001. You may also be eligible for the program if you are the family member or caregiver of a Wounded Warrior.
The Mission Continues – A national nonprofit organization that connects military veterans with new missions in under-resourced communities. This organization empowers veterans facing the challenge of adjusting to life at home.
Shop My Exchange – The largest military government retailer, both online and in-store. Provides exclusive discounts for active-duty military and veterans.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs – Provides life-long healthcare services to eligible veterans at the 170 VA medical centers and outpatient clinics located throughout the country.
The Honor Foundation – A career transition program for U.S. Special Operations Forces that effectively translates their elite military service to the private sector and helps create the next generation of corporate and community leaders. THF provides a clear process for professional development and a diverse ecosystem of world class support and technology.
Student Veterans of America – A nonprofit organization focused on addressing the needs and concerns of American military veterans in higher education. SVA is best known for being an umbrella organization for student veterans’ groups that advocates for improvements in veterans educational benefits.
Hiring Our Heroes – Connects the military community – service members, military spouses, and veterans – with American businesses to create economic opportunity and a strong and diversified workforce. Features hiring events, fellowship programs, and educational and networking opportunities.
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) – Helps paralyzed and disabled Veterans regain their independence after injury or diagnosis. Since 1946, Paralyzed Veterans of America has been a leading advocate for quality health care, spinal cord research and education, veterans benefits, and civil rights for veterans and all people with disabilities.
National Resource Directory (NRD) – A government web portal for Wounded Warriors, service members, veterans, their families and caregivers. It provides information and links to thousands of national, state, and local resources.
United War Veterans Council (UWVC) – Dedicated to ensuring that the public always embraces its commitment to provide all veterans and their families with the care, recognition, and opportunities they have rightfully earned. UWVC supports a variety of initiatives, programs, groups, events, and more.
Veterans’ Employment and Training Services (VETS) – Prepares America’s veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses for meaningful careers, provides them with employment resources and expertise, protects their employment rights, and promotes their employment opportunities.
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) – A nonprofit charity that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, helping more than 1 million veterans in positive, life-changing ways each year. DAV is also a leader in connecting veterans with meaningful employment, hosting job fairs and providing resources to ensure they have the opportunity to participate in the American Dream their sacrifices have made possible.
Military.com – A website that provides news and information about the military, service members, veterans, and their families as well as foreign policy and broader national security issues. Military.com also helps millions of military-connected Americans find jobs and enjoy military discounts.
Wreaths Across America – A nonprofit organization that coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies at more than 2,500 locations across the United States, at sea and abroad. Its primary activity is distributing Christmas wreaths for placement on graves in military cemeteries.