A Message from Mayor Mahr
Earlier today, the state reported another 2,146 COVID-19 positive test results, bringing the statewide total to 111,188. Union County currently has a total of 12,011 confirmed cases and the Westfield Regional Board of Health reports that as of today our total is 67 confirmed cases in Fanwood.
I ask for your help to recognize the Front Line Healthcare Heroes that live and work among us here in Fanwood. Please share their stories with us and email their picture and brief summary of their work to mayor@fanwoodnj.org. Let’s put a face on those heroes fighting for our lives!
On Saturday we enjoyed the Rockin’ For Autism Virtual Concert in support of Autism Awareness Month. Because this event, usually held at LaGrande Park, is the sole annual fundraiser, please take advantage of the re-broadcasts scheduled every day this week on Comcast channel 35 and Verizon FiOS channel 24 at 6 and 9:30 p.m. If you are so moved, you can donate remotely to Autism NJ or FLAG of SPF.
As we enter on the 6th week of Governor Murphy’s “Stay-At-Home” order, I want to reiterate my call to residents in need. If you are having issues getting your unemployment benefits sorted out, or are having a food emergency I urge you to reach out to me at mayor@fanwoodnj.org. We are here to help.
– Mayor Colleen Mahr
Effective today, the hours of operation at the testing site at Kean University will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. For more information please visit https://ucnj.org/coronavirus-update/testing-center/.
Governor Murphy Unveils “The Road Back” Plan
Earlier today Governor Phil Murphy announced his vision, “The Road Back: Restoring Economic Health Through Public Health,” to restart New Jersey and put the state on the road to recovery. Governor Murphy outlined six key principles and benchmarks to guide the process for restoring New Jersey’s economic health by ensuring public health.
“Our priority is to use science, data, and facts to put New Jersey on the road to recovery. In order to restore economic health, we must first promote public health,” said Governor Murphy. “These key principles and metrics are critical for giving New Jerseyans confidence that we will re-open our state with our public health protocols firmly in place and our health care system prepared. Restarting New Jersey’s economy and returning people to work will be done methodically, strategically, and responsibly.”
Governor Murphy’s stay-at-home Executive Order, which has been in effect since March 21st, will remain in effect in its entirety until further notice. The following six principles and key metrics will guide the process for lifting restrictions and restoring New Jersey’s economic health through public health.
Principle 1: Demonstrate sustained reductions in new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.
- 14 day trend lines showing appreciable and sustained drop in cases, hospitalizations and other metrics.
- Hospitals stepping down from functioning under crisis standards of care
Principle 2: Expand testing capacity.
- At least double the current diagnostic testing capacity.
- Prioritize testing for healthcare workers, essential personnel and vulnerable populations.
- Create a flexible testing plan accessible to all residents.
- Expand partnerships with institutions of higher education, private-sector-labs and federal government.
- Ensure that those who test positive are linked to a healthcare provider.
Principle 3: Implement robust contact tracing.
- Recruit and deploy an army of personnel who will identify and follow up with contacts.
- Leverage technological data and innovative solutions to increase efficiency.
- Coordinate the approach of local and state health officials, which will have a coordinated county/regional component.
Principle 4: Secure safe places and resources for isolation and quarantine.
- To the greatest extent possible, provide individuals who do test positive in the future with a safe and free place to isolate and protect others from COVID-19.
- Ensure that quarantined contacts are provided supportive services, if needed.
Principle 5: Execute a responsible economic restart.
- Create Governor’s Restart and Recovery Commission to advise on the process and recommend responsible and equitable decisions.
- Plan for a methodical and strategic return to work based on level of disease transmission risk and essential classification.
- Continuation of social distancing measures when feasible and appropriate.
- Leverage any available federal funds and programs to support health care, individual and small business recovery.
Principle 6: Ensure New Jersey’s resiliency.
- Learn from the lessons of COVID-19 and prepare for the possibility of resurgence.
- Ensure hospitals, health care systems and other health delivery facilities have inventories of personal protective equipment and ventilators.
- Build our own state personal protective equipment and ventilator stockpile.
- Create a playbook for future administrations for the next pandemic.
Student Loan Relief
New Jersey has secured new relief options for private student loan borrowers, including a 90-day payment grace period, a waiver of late fees, and access to borrower assistance programs. Borrowers are encouraged to contact their loan servicer to find out what relief options are available to them.
Thanks to Fanwood native Caitlin Hoynes-O’Connor for her continuing work at Overlook Hospital during this crisis. As a neuro-ICU nurse, Caitlin has been caring for COVID-19 ventilator patients since the beginning of the outbreak. The work is physically and emotionally taxing with double-patient loads, added shifts and extended days. She very much looks forward to a rest and a return to the time when families can be at the bedside supporting their loved-ones. But for now, she appreciates the efforts of everyone in New Jersey to stay at home and slow the infection rate.
“It would be so much worse if people weren’t staying at home, I’m glad people are” she added.
Virtual Food Drive Needs Support
The Fanwood Community Foundation (FCF) has launched a virtual food drive to help local food banks. The FCF will match these virtual donations up to $2,020 but would love to surpass that goal!
The FCF has been supporting the community through donations from local donors – individuals, families, and businesses. The FCF provides these public spirited donors with a vehicle for using their gifts in the best possible way now and in the future, thereby providing for inevitable change.
The Foundation uses a portion of the income from these invested donations to provide grants and support to the local community, like the Community FoodBank of New Jersey. The FCF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization making your donations tax-deductible.
To make a donation, visit https://cfbnj.org/event/fanwood-community-foundation-virtual-food-drive/.

Guidelines on Outdoor Accessory Improvements
As warmer weather arrives, the Zoning and Land Use Office has received several inquiries regarding outdoors accessory improvements such as sheds, fencing, patios and pools. Kindly note that information on Fanwood’s Municipal Land Use Code (Article 184) is readily available on the Borough’s website below. Ray Sullivan, Borough Zoning and Municipal Land Use Official, has also provided a memo of fast fact guidelines.
If you have questions please contact the office at (908) 322.5244 (ext. 132) or email Zoning@fanwoodnj.org.
Relief for Renters & Homeowners
On Friday, Govenor Murphy signed an executive order outlining new measures to assist renters and homeowners during the COVID-19 pandemic. The order allows:
- Renters to use their security deposits to pay their rent.
- Creates a FAQ section and question portal for tenants and landlords about rights and responsibilities at covid19.nj.gov/renters
- Generates an additional information page on covid.nj.gov for homeowners taking advantage of mortgage forbearance.
- In collaboration with the NJ Apartments Association, urges all landlords to waive late fees and continue to work with tenants who cannot pay their rent due to COVID-19.
You can read the full executive order here.
Fanwood Recreation Goes Virtual
Fanwood Recreation is adding more programs to its Spring ONLINE schedule!
Beginning this coming Wednesday, April 29, children ages 11–15 can register for the 3-session Babysitting Certification program.
Also beginning this coming Wednesday and Thursday, Fanwood Recreation offers these 6-session academic enrichment programs: K–2nd Grade Reading, English Essay Writing Class (grades 5–12), and Study Skills Class (grades 6–12).
For more information about and to register for all these programs, please go to fanwoodrecreation.org.