Bruce Walsh, a Fanwood attorney and three-time Borough Councilman, died Saturday, July 28, 2018, after a long illness. He was 73.
Mr. Walsh served a total of 12 years as a Councilman. He was first elected in 1988 and served through 1991. After a year off, he was elected again in 1992 when he and Council President Maryanne Connelly made Borough history by capturing majorities in all seven of the town’s voting districts. He served from 1993-1998, then again from 2006-2008. He served varying roles on the Council including Council President, Police Commissioner and Fire Commissioner. In between Council terms, he served on the Planning Board.
“I had the pleasure of serving alongside Bruce and was educated by his calm, thoughtful approach to governing,” said Mayor Colleen Mahr. “He loved Fanwood. He made a lasting impact on our community. I send my deepest condolences to his family.”
Mr. Walsh, writing in the Fanwoodian newsletter in 2008, his last year on the Council, spoke fondly of his years serving the town.
“In the last twenty years I suppose I have attended well over 1,000 meetings on matters related to Fanwood, and met hundreds of volunteers working for this wonderful Borough. I have had the pleasure and privilege of getting to know the dedicated people who work for Fanwood. I have special admiration for all the volunteers I have met, from the members of our volunteer Fire and Rescue Squads to all those who serve on our various Boards and Committees. These are the people who get little public recognition but who deserve the gratitude of all of us who love Fanwood.”
Mr. Walsh’s sister, Trisha, following in her brother’s footsteps, is currently running for Fanwood Borough Council.
Mr. Walsh is survived by his wife Pat and three children raised in Fanwood–Jennifer Fazzino, who lives in Fanwood with husband Sal, Michael Walsh and Emily Crispino, and eight grandchildren, Matthew, Alex, Mary, Timothy, McKenzie, Michael, Natalie and Thomas.
Those interested in paying respects may do so Tuesday, July 31, 2-5PM at the Iliff-Ruggiero Funeral Home, 156 Main Street, Newton, NJ 07860.
- Councilman Walsh acknowledging the Rescue Squad’s 50th anniversary in 1998
- Councilman Walsh sworn in, 2006
- Awarding John Celardo, Historic Preservation Commission, with print of Fanwood train station, 2008