Dog and Cat Licenses Due
As a reminder to all Fanwood residents, dog and cat license registrations and renewals are due by January 31. You can apply for a license starting January ...
Happy Holidays
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Holidays! ✨
Borough Hall will be closing at 12PM on Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas from the Borough of Fanwood! Wishing you a day filled with warmth, love, and the magic of the season, surrounded by your loved ones. 🎄
Affordable Units Available at 40 South Avenue
Affordable housing units are available in Fanwood at 40 South Avenue, a development with 24 market rate rental units and 4 affordable units located on South Avenue. A random selection will be held for all preliminary applications received on or before 1 pm, Tuesday, August 27, 2024, after which the ...
Mayor and Council Special Meeting Notice
Mayor and Council Special meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 8 at 7:00 pm. Zoom information below: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join. Passcode: 095257 Or One tap mobile: +13092053325,,85440580162#,,,,*095257# US +13126266799,,85440580162#,,,,*095257# US (Chicago) Or join ...