Mayor Colleen Mahr of the Borough of Fanwood has announced that she will be joining the Climate Mayors (a.k.a. Mayors National Climate Action Agenda) network. Climate Mayors is a network of nearly 200 U.S. mayors representing over 50 million Americans, working together to strengthen local efforts for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting efforts for binding federal and global-level policy making.

Climate Mayors recently released an open letter to President Trump to oppose his actions thus far against climate action. Mayor Mahr supports the letter and plans to carry out its intentions. These actions include, but are not limited to, creating a community climate action plan to reduce the amount of emissions omitted by the Borough. In connection with the Climate Mayors, Fanwood is also a member of the Sustainable Jersey Communities Program as a bronze certified municipality. Sustainable Jersey is a non-profit organization that provides tools, training and financial incentives to support communities as they pursue sustainability programs.

“I am excited to join other U.S. cities in the Climate Mayors network to adopt and support the goals of the Paris Agreement,” said Mayor Mahr. “This network, in addition to the work done in our Sustainable Jersey program, will help keep Fanwood environmentally friendly.”

The Borough of Fanwood has joined Climate Mayors to mutually strengthen grassroots-level, city-led activity on undertaking climate action by cleaning our energy sources, making of infrastructure efficient and growing our economy through investing in the sectors that enable a climate-compatible future.

To read more about the Climate Mayors, visit their website: