(Fanwood, NJ) — Mayor Colleen Mahr and the Borough Council presented proclamations recognizing Metastatic Awareness Day and the #LightUpMBC national campaign to benefit METAvivor, and the 75th anniversary of the Arc of Union County at Monday’s regular October meeting.

Councilwoman Patricia Walsh read the proclamation supporting Metavivors of New Jersey, a non-profit supporting survivors of metastatic breast cancer, a form of the disease which spreads to other parts of the body. Accepting the proclamation was Tami Bowling, co-founder of the group and creator of #LightUpMBC, a campaign to light up public buildings, including Borough Hall, to shine a light on research for Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. The campaign took place on October 13th.
Bowling, who was first diagnosed with cancer at the age of 41 and with two children under 3, has been living with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer for nine years after being told she had only two to three years to live.
Mayor Mahr and the Council presented a proclamation to the Arc of Union County honoring its 75 years of service to developmentally and intellectually disabled residents. The Arc operates several group homes and individual apartments in Fanwood serving about 20 residents.
The mayor presented the proclamation to Sam Abdallah, Executive Director of Operations of the Arc, which is headquartered in Springfield, N.J. The Arc strives to create socially just, accessible and inclusive environments where human rights and diversity of all people with disabilities are recognized and celebrated for their achievements.
As an example of that mission, the Council recognized Fanwood resident Donald Neunert who has maintained a 25-year career at the ShopRite supermarket in Clark, NJ. Mr. Neunert was praised for his kindness and positive attitude and being a friend to his fellow residents.
The council also passed resolutions accepting the certification of 15 members of the fire department and 10 members of the rescue squad to qualify for the borough’s Length of Service Award Program, which provides annual contributions from the borough to eligible members.
A resolution was approved authorizing step increases for three members of the Public Works Department per the collective bargaining agreement.
A resolution was passed approving an agreement with T&M Associates, Bloomfield, NJ, for a zoning review of Fanwood’s commercial corridor zone.
Councilwoman Walsh said Lieutenant Dan Kranz, who serves as Officer-In-Charge of the Fanwood Police Department, is attending the National Academy, a prestigious law enforcement management program presented by the FBI on a U.S. Marine base in Quantico, Va.
Council President Katherine Mitchell said residents are advised not to place and brush or branches in the street until the next pickup date in January.
Councilwoman Walsh said over 110 adults visited the Fanwood Museum at the Historic Train Station as part of Four Centuries in a Weekend on Oct. 19th and Oct. 20th.
Jeffery reported that the lottery for four affordable-housing units at 40 South Avenue attracted over 5,000 applicants.
Mayor Mahr announced that early voting for the November 5th General Election will be held October 26 through November 3rd.