Fanwood Council honors student champions, moves dogs-in-parks ordinance amendment to next step

The Fanwood Borough Council and Mayor Colleen Mahr honored high school athletes’ achievements, passed the new budget and voted to adopt on first reading an amendment to the ordinance prohibiting dogs in Borough parks at the regular monthly Council meeting Monday, June 20, 2022. For the first time in recent history, the Council chamber was packed with spectators and reporters from three television stations.

The Council recognized the SPF High School Lacrosse, Girls Track & Field and Men’s Volleyball teams for high achievements during the past school year. Lacrosse coach Nick Miceli spoke in praise of the team’s state championship and individual achievements of many players. Track and Field coach Jeff Kogel spoke of the team’s three state championships in both indoor and outdoor events. And Men’s Volleyball coach Brock Hor had praise for what he termed the best season the team had in recent memory including their first-ever state championship. Team members received certificates and posed for pictures with the Mayor.

The Council voted to move the dogs-in-parks amendment forward to the public hearing phase next month. The amendment would change the 20-year prohibition against dogs in Borough parks allowing them on condition that they are leashed, licensed, non-aggressive and not permitted in certain areas including the basketball courts. The amendment was adopted on first reading and is scheduled for second reading and a public hearing on July 18th, after which the Council will take a final vote. The park issue attracted reporters from channels 2, 5 and 11 and a dozen members of the community who spoke in favor of the amendment.

Councilwoman Erin McElroy Barker read a proclamation thanking Tashira Wheeler and the Juneteenth Committee for their successful event celebrating the historic day.

The Council approved the municipal budget in the face of reduced revenues due largely to the Covid pandemic.

Police Lieutenant Dan Kranz reported a $10,000 donation to the Fanwood Police Department from Dr. Cesar DePaco, founder and owner of Summit Nutritionals International. Kranz reported the money will be used to purchase new automated external defibrillators used in CPR and new bullet-resistant outer vests.

Coaches Rich McGriff and Jeff Kogel, Mayor Colleen Mahr and members of the girls Track & Field team.

Mayor Mahr and Coach Nick Miceli with most of (all?) the Lacrosse team.

Councilwoman Erin McElroy Barker, coaches Brock Hor and Mac Ritter with members of the men’s Volleyball team.

Resident Carolyn Brink speaks in favor of amendment allowing dogs in Fanwood parks

Reporters Katie Corrado (ch. 5), Alice Gainer (ch. 2) and Teresa Priolo (ch. 5) following the dogs-in-parks developments.

Lt. Dan Kranz explaining the $10,000 donation to police department by business owner

Council members Patricia Walsh, Erin McElroy Barker and Kathy Mitchell

Video of the entire meeting