Infrastructure Projects
Complete Streets
Click here to view the Borough of Fanwood's Complete Streets policy, Resolution 14-03-63
Recording & Info from the 5/18 South Ave Infrastructure Project Meeting
You can watch the May 18 meeting by clicking here. BOROUGH OF FANWOOD PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING SOUTH AVENUE TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT VIRTUAL MEETING Date: May 18, 2021 Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm The Borough of Fanwood is performing preliminary engineering for the South Avenue Transportation Infrastructure Development Project, consisting of the streetscape and intersection improvements along South Avenue (State Highway Route 28) within the Borough’s Business District. The project will also include new and reconstruction of existing sidewalk, construction of ADA curb ramps where required, driveway and access improvements. Streetscaping improvements will include textured sidewalks, new streetlights, bike racks, bus stop shelters, street trees with grates and planters among other improvements. The project is Federally Funded through the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) - ...