Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

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Featured News

Vets Honored at Fanwood Veterans Day Ceremony

(Fanwood, NJ) – The Borough of Fanwood held its annual Veterans Day ceremony on a sunny yet gusty Monday in front of the Fanwood Memorial Library on Forest Road. A small crowd gathered along with members of the Fanwood Fire ...

November 11th, 2024|
Fanwood Wins 2019 Best Small Town in NJ Showdown
Fanwood on list of NJ's 15 Hottest real estate markets
Fanwood: A NJ Model of TOD 18 Years in the Making
Fanwood Wins for Downtown Redevelopment!

“Almost two decades of hard work is now paying off for our citizens as we see property values rising and young families taking root in our thriving town.”
— Mayor Colleen Mahr

Latest News

Grand Opening for the new Fanwood Memorial Library

The new Fanwood Memorial Library opened to the public this week and a ribbon cutting on Saturday, September 14th, 2024, attracted more than 100 residents, local VIPs and elected officials. The opening of the new building is the culmination of a decade of planning that began seeing daylight with ...

September 14th, 2024|