Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

Best Small Town in New Jersey

Fanwood Movie Night
Fanwood 5k



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Featured News

Santa is Coming to Town!

The Santa Parade returns to Fanwood Saturday, December 14th. Gift collection starts this week! Be sure to drop gifts starting Monday, December 2nd through Friday, December 6 at the Fanwood Fire House from 5pm-9pm each night. For more details ...

December 2nd, 2024|
Fanwood Wins 2019 Best Small Town in NJ Showdown
Fanwood on list of NJ's 15 Hottest real estate markets
Fanwood: A NJ Model of TOD 18 Years in the Making
Fanwood Wins for Downtown Redevelopment!

“Almost two decades of hard work is now paying off for our citizens as we see property values rising and young families taking root in our thriving town.”
— Mayor Colleen Mahr

Latest News

Holiday Curbside Recycling Schedule

Please note recycling pick-up during the holidays will be on Saturday, December 28 for the NE/NW Quadrants and Saturday, January 4 for SE/SW Quadrants. Regular schedule resumes on Wednesday, January 8. The North Avenue Recycling Center will be open on January 4 from 8am-11am.

December 18th, 2024|