Fanwood’s Halloween Parade kicked off Thursday night at the newly Fanwood Library, filling the streets downtown and LaGrande Park with cartoon and movie characters, princesses and superheroes. The parade route proceeded down Martine Avenue and over the bridge to Marian Avenue and LaGrande Park.
The Fanwood Recreation Commission organized the event, which included a glow in the dark light stick giveaway. The parade started at the new Fanwood Memorial Library and proceeded to LaGrande Park, escorted by the police and fire departments and the rescue squad. The parade was led by Councilman Jeff Banks, who wore a New York Jets jersey as his costume. Mayor Colleen Mahr, dressed as a witch, welcomed everyone prior to the start of the parade.
A costume contest followed the parade at La Grande Park and was organized by age group. Halloween music including the theme songs from The Monsters and Ghostbusters and, of course, a Halloween tradition, The Monster Mash.
A Jack O’ Lantern contest also took place. Cider donuts, and coffee were served by Recreation Commissioners.