A very proud day for Fanwood and its police department as Chief Richard Trigo and Sgt. Marc Gottlick received Valor Awards from the 200 Club, a Union County organization that supports police officers, firefighters and their families. They received the awards at a luncheon in Mountainside, May 9, for “extreme restraint and conducting themselves proficiently and professionally while at great risk under fire” during a standoff with an armed man on Locust Avenue in Fanwood on November 22, 2013, during which police officers were fired upon by a heavily armed man. The individual was taken into custody after a 7-hour standoff and no police officers or residents were injured. Also receiving awards for their response that night were Scotch Plains Officers James Richie, Chris Aversa, Ken Matz and Lt. Joseph Zito, along with the Commander of the Union County SWAT team, Capt. Martin Morgensen. Congrats to Chief Trigo and Sgt. Gottlick!