The rain held off long enough for today’s Pumpkins and Police event at Forest Road Park, hosted by the Fanwood Police Department and the Joint Committee for Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT).
Police officers helped the kids decorate pumpkins and treated them to donuts and cookies while their parents had coffee and chatted. Sgt. Dan Piccola and Officers Kathy Case and Chris Pineiro assisted with decorating. Lt. Dan Kranz conducted police vehicle tours. Special Officer Jack Ross mingled with the masses. Mayor Colleen Mahr and Councilwoman Trisha Walsh, dressed as a witch, chatted with visitors, along with Gina Berry, Deserie Foster, and Stephanie Suriani, members of the Police Subcommittee of our local TRHT Committee.
Following a year-long listening tour, the TRHT Committee made up of grassroots volunteers and community leaders in Fanwood and Scotch Plains concluded that ongoing good relationships between police and the community were vital to keeping communications open.
“We’ve heard from our residents that they desire a closer relationship with the police, to get to know them better as people and not just enforcement officers,” said Mayor Mahr. “Our police and the TRHT are working continuously to do just that.”