Some of the most treasured historic sites in Union County will receive a total of $300,000 in matching grants toward restoration work and other upgrades, through the Preserve Union County program. The grant program is funded by the Freeholder Board through the Union County Open Space, Recreation and Historic Preservation Trust Fund. Fanwood has been awarded $10,000 for Fanwood Railroad Station Complex: Exterior restoration/barrier-free access to train station.
“As a community that can trace its roots across four centuries, we in Union County place great value on sharing our history and preserving noteworthy sites for the next generation,” said Freeholder Vice Chairman Sergio Granados, who chairs the Trust Fund. “With assistance from the Preserve Union County program, our local historic preservation organizations and municipalities can groups can ensure that important restoration work continues.”
“Preserve Union County enables our local communities to focus on sites that are most important to them, and the result is an enriching, diverse range of restoration projects,” said Freeholder Bette Jane Kowalski, the Board’s liaison to the County’s Cultural and Heritage advisory board.
This is the eighth round of funding for the Preserve Union County program. It covers 11 historic sites in 10 different municipalities.