(Fanwood, NJ) – Fanny Wood Day was held under sunny skies Sunday with temperatures in the 70s, attracting thousands to Downtown Fanwood. The event featured over 200 vendors including 20 food trucks, kids’ activities, a petting zoo and live music throughout the day.
The opening ceremony included the Fanwood-Scotch Plains Boys Scouts Troop 33 Color Guard, Pledge of Allegiance, and the singing of God Bless America. Borough Council members Anthony Carter, Jeff Banks and Trish Walsh were on hand along with Bruce Zakarin of the Fanwood Recreation Commission, now in his 16th year as the event’s organizer.
.The event, held along South and Martine Avenues, included a County Stage where bands played throughout the day, and a kid’s stage for children’s acts. Members of the Fanwood Rescue Squad, Fire and Police Departments were also on hand to give tours of their vehicles. A children’s Play Land featuring rides was located at South Avenue Train Station Lot.
WrestlePro returned for a second straight year and attracted large crowds as wrestlers held a Meet and Greet and four winners of the Fanny Wood Day Raffle received autographed photos of each of the featured wrestlers. Three wrestling matches were featured to the delight of the crowd, especially children, as wrestlers went airborne and crashed down their opponents or the wrestling ring floor.
A scavenger hunt, water balloon toss, bubble gum blowing contest and spaghetti and meatball eating contest were also featured.
Fanny Wood Day sponsors included Unity Bank, Scotch Plains-Fanwood Dental Care, Lightbridge Academy, Carano Square, Provident Bank, and Fabio’s Bistro.

Parametric performs on the Kid’s Stage.