Bright sunny skies greeted Fanwood families who turned out in droves for Tuesday’s kick off of summer in Fanwood with the annual Party in the Park at LaGrande Park. Old and new events were featured this year to the delight of the children who attended with their parents.
New this year was a ruby ducky race with 10 winners given prizes out of the 50 ducks that entered the race. Rides including a bounce house, a child’s play challenge course along and a fitness fun wheel, presented by the Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA, gave kids plenty of fun things to do. Adam Sackett, of the Family Martial Arts Center, returned to conduct a karate demonstration for the crowd who watched. DJ John DePalma of All Star Entertainment provided music throughout the Party and also announced the start of the Ruby Ducky Race.
.Members of the Fanwood Recreation Commission, which conducted the event, dished out hot dogs and cold drinks.
The inflatable rides were a popular attraction as always with kids.

The Party in the Park is the usual launch of the Fanwood summer movie series. Tuesday’s feature was Wonka. There will be a movie scheduled outdoors in LaGrande Park every Tuesday night at dusk through August 13th.
Thanks to the Recreation Commission, Department of Public Works, Fanwood Police and Rescue Squad and Councilwomen Trisha Walsh and Erin McElroy Barker for participating.