Curbside recycling occurs every Wednesday, alternating north and southside collections each week.
Here’s the schedule of recycling collections by Grand Sanitation:
Click here for a map delineating the North and South side quadrants of the Borough with the NJ Transit line as the boundary between the two sections. You may also refer to this list to look up which quadrant your street is in.
The above schedule is also reflected on the Recycle Coach app, which is free. You can download the Recycle Coach app for free here.
Here’s what’s recyclable and not recyclable for curbside:
For questions or other information:
Grand Sanitation Customer Service 908-222-1566 or
Fanwood Public Works, 908-322-7404 or
Recycling Center
Residents may bring electronics, fluorescent bulbs, motor oil, clothing, damaged American flags, and scrap metal to the North Avenue recycling center on the dates indicated in the DPW schedule. The recycling center will be open on the following dates from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.:
2025 DATES: • April 5 • May 3• June 7 • July 12 • August 2 • September 6 • October 4 • November 1
2026 DATES: Jan 3 • Feb 7 • March 7
The center will be CLOSED in December.
The Borough also offers free mulch to any residents who are interested. THE RECYCLING CENTER IS OPEN TO FANWOOD RESIDENTS ONLY. NON-RESIDENTS WILL BE TURNED AWAY.
Questions may be addressed to our Public Works Department at (908) 322-7404, or the Mayor’s Office at (908) 322-8236.
Most pizza boxes have recycling symbols on them and are usually made of corrugated cardboard. They are recyclable as long as they are not tarnished with food or grease. Remember, REMOVE THE TAINTED PORTIONS and recycle the clean parts of the pizza boxes along with your other cardboard waste.

Fanwood’s curbside recycling program does NOT accept Styrofoam or plastic grocery/produce bags. It never did. If you’ve been putting those items in your blue curbside recycling bin, please STOP! Instead, Fanwood residents may take Styrofoam and plastic film bags to the Westfield Conservation Center on Lambert’s Mill Road across from Tamaques Park. There is no charge for this service. The Conservation Center is open during specific days and hours. You’ll find all the info including specifics on the types of Styrofoam and plastic film accepted on their website. Although the website says you have to be a Westfield resident, rest assured that Fanwood residents CAN use this facility.
While we’re talking about plastic bags, you should not place recyclables into plastic bags before placing them in the blue bin. Plastic bags of any kind are not recycled by our vendor and they clog the machinery at the processing plant. Plastic bags should only be taken to the Westfield Conservation Center or to the special receptacles at supermarkets or retail stores.
Recycling a Plastic Shopping Bag
Recycling contamination is a big problem in New Jersey, and plastic bags are among the worst offenders. Contamination happens when items that don’t belong in your home’s recycling bin are placed there. Unfortunately, too many of us put our recyclables in plastic bags to recycle them, and that’s a bad thing. In New Jersey, plastic shopping bags are recyclable—but NOT in your curbside bin. When they get into your municipality’s recycling stream, they can clog up or damage recycling center processing equipment the way hair clogs up the rollers of a vacuum. This causes delays and slows down the recycling process, making it more expensive for your community to recycle. Other stretchy plastics, such as produce and bread bags, dry cleaning bags, newspaper sleeves, paper towel/toilet paper over wrap and other plastic film packaging can also clog up recycling processing equipment. These stretchy plastics should not be placed into your curbside recycling bin.
So how do you properly handle all those plastic bags? Visit to find out.
You may bring clean, dry plastic bags, bubble wrap and other types of plastic film to the Fanwood Public Works Department, Manfra Way off North Avenue across from the library. Hours for drop off are 9am to 12pm, M-F. It’s a good idea to call ahead, 908-322-7404, to make sure someone is there to accept them. Beginning in January, plastic film bags may be brought to the Fanwood Recycling Center, North Avenue and Westfield Road, on the first Saturday of the month, 8-11AM.
In order to ensure a high-quality recycling stream, only the following items are accepted:
From the store: produce bags, store bags, and ice bags
From the pantry: Ziploc and other re-closable bags, cereal box liners, case overwrap (for example a case of bottled water), and bread bags
From the front door: newspaper sleeves, bubble wrap, and plastic e-commerce mailers
As a reminder, only flexible plastic film may be recycled through this program. No clamshells, casings, containers or other hard plastic items are accepted.
After residents bring their plastic film to the DPW, it is consolidated and shipped to Trex, which will use it as raw material in their facility in Virginia. More information about Trex is available at
Fanwood’s recycling app, Recycle Coach
Fanwood residents have access to a free app called Recycle Coach that helps make it more convenient to participate in our recycling programs. Recycle Coach is provided at no cost by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to all municipalities. It is a free download that works on all mobile devices. A PC version is also available by scrolling down on this screen.
The app is customized for Fanwood and allows users to:
- View Fanwood Public Works pickup schedules
- View County-wide recycling centers and schedules
- Answer questions on how best to recycle a questionable item; be it bi-weekly curbside pickup, 1st Saturday Recycling Center drop-off, special county event, Fanwood Fall Bulk Waste pickup or simply toss it in the garbage.
- Report a problem (missed collection, damaged or missing bin, incorrect app info).
- Communicate with PMUA, Fanwood DPW and app administrator.
- Receive notifications of schedule changes and updates.
Mayor Colleen Mahr said, “We want to give residents every tool possible to ensure Fanwood’s curbside recycling program is successful and convenient. We hope the app will increase recycling and limit the amount of recyclables headed to the landfill so we can continue to do our part to promote a healthy planet.”
Recycle Coach is available for download through the iTunes store, the Google Play store or