All pet dogs and cats must be licensed to prove they have valid rabies vaccinations. Licenses may be obtained annually at Borough Hall for a modest fee. Download the license application here.


Please note the information found here from the NJ Board of Health regarding rabies vaccinations:

The NJDOH recommends revaccination of dogs and cats prior to expiration of the previous vaccination to ensure a beneficial overlap of immunity. Administering a rabies vaccine before the duration of immunity of a previous vaccination has expired is not associated with an increased occurrence of adverse reactions in dogs is NOT medically contraindicated. PET LICENSING Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:23A-4.2, to issue a dog license, the pet owner must first supply to the dog licensing clerk a rabies vaccination certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian indicating that the animal’s duration of immunity extends throughout at least the first ten months of the twelve month licensing period. Animals that have a duration of immunity which expires prior to the ten-month cut-off must receive a booster rabies vaccination prior to licensure. Boostering the animal’s immunity before expiration of the previous vaccination has not been associated with an increased occurrence of adverse reactions.

If, for health reasons, your veterinarian recommends against giving your pet the rabies vaccination early (or at any time), you have the option to have them fill out and sign this exemption form to submit along with your pet license renewal.


Pets must be leashed when walking or out in public. All animal waste must be picked up and disposed of properly. View the ordinance here.


As of July 18, 2022, dogs are allowed in Borough Parks (LaGrande Park, Forest Road Park and Carriage House Park) with restrictions. Violations may draw a summons or fine. View the restrictions in the amended ordinance here.


Property owners may keep chickens under specific conditions. View the ordinance here.


Feeding wild animals is prohibited across the Borough including private property, except for bird feeders. View the ordinance here.


Stray dogs may be reported to police by calling 908-322-5000. Police will attempt to find and safely corral the dog, but there’s no guarantee the dog will be found. Dogs found by police are temporarily kept in an outdoor kennel in the Borough while an attempt to find the owner is made. If no one comes forward, the dog will be turned over to a local humane society.


Animal carcasses, except for deer, may be reported to Animal Control Solutions, 908-722-1271. Deer carcasses may be reported to police by calling 908-322-5000. They will call the appropriate agency.

Wild Animals Among Us: Stay Clear!

CoyoteHow many of us in Fanwood have sighted a fox, coyote or black bear right here in our community, even in our own backyards? With decreased available natural habitats and a lack of natural predators, the bear, coyote, and fox populations have increased to the point where sightings are becoming common. These animals are looking for food and are doing so in wider search areas than ever before.

While most wild animals are more afraid of us than we are of them, they can be unpredictable. They may also carry rabies, a continuing health threat in New Jersey. What’s the best thing to do when a bear, coyote or fox pays a visit to your property? Wildlife experts and Fanwood Police say:

  • Don’t approach the animal
  • Stay inside your home or car
  • Don’t feed ANY wild animals (Fanwood ordinance prohibits feeding“unconfined wildlife” except birds)
  • Keep trash and garbage in tightly closed containers