Fanwood has a new curbside recycling vendor and pick-up days are switching to Wednesdays.
Our new vendor, Grand Sanitation Service, will conduct collections on alternating Wednesdays for the northside and southside of town. Here’s the schedule so far:
- June 22nd: Southern quadrants
- June 29th: Northern quadrants
- July 6th: Southern quadrants
What changes:
- Pickup days will be every other Wednesday instead of Thursday
- Schedule changed in Recycle Coach app
- Vendor is now Grand Sanitation instead of PMUA
What doesn’t change:
- Current blue recycling containers remain
- Side-yard service will continue for those who qualify and have previously signed up
- Types of recyclables (see attached chart)
This schedule of alternating Wednesdays for northside and southside quadrants will continue until further notice. YOU MAY CONTINUE TO USE THE SAME BLUE BINS to deposit your recycling materials and wheel them to the curb the night before.
Because the Borough’s curbside recycling contract with the Plainfield Municipal Utilities Authority (PMUA) expired, it was necessary to go out to bid for a new vendor. The bids received were rejected by the Borough Council because they exceeded the amount budgeted. In order to provide uninterrupted curbside recycling pickup at the lowest cost possible, the Borough entered into an emergency contract with Grand Sanitation Service. This was done after getting quotes from vendors, a procedure allowed by state law, until another set of bids can be solicited in the near future. In the meantime, Grand Sanitation is our recycling vendor.
Plastic bags and Styrofoam may NOT be recycled curbside. Refer to this page on our website for proper recycling of those items.
Click here for a map delineating the North and South side quadrants of the Borough with the NJ Transit line as the boundary between the two sections. You may also refer to this list to look up which quadrant your street is in.
You can download the Recycle Coach app for free here.
For questions or other information:
Grand Sanitation Customer Service 908-222-1566 or
Fanwood Public Works, 908-322-7404 or
See also our Recycling page on this website.