The borough council presented a number of proclamations at its monthly regular meeting on Monday night.
The council recognized National Police Week (May 10-16)/National Peace Officers Memorial Day (May 15). Fanwood Police Officer-In-Charge Dan Kranz said the borough’s retired officers’ “decades of service to the borough have paved the way for those of us who remain.”
“In a world where safety and security are paramount these officers stand as guardians of the community working to ensure the streets are safe, families are protected, and that rights are upheld. They serve not only as enforcers of the law, but also as pillars of support and compassion within our community,” Kranz said.
The council recognized the Resolve Community Counseling Center on its 50th anniversary as part of National Mental Awareness Month. Resolve’s President Jim Meyer and Vice President Barbara Roskin, Executive Director Lidia Abrams, and Board member LaVesta Virgil represented the organization.
The Mayor and Council recognized National Jewish American Heritage Month. Elliot Karp of Fanwood, Rabbi Howard Tilman of Congregation Beth Israel, Beth Mitchell of the JCC of Central NJ, and Rabbi Joel Abraham of Temple Shalom were presented with proclamations.
The council recognized the Fanwood Rescue Squad and National EMS Week (May 19-25) with EMT’s Nam-June Joe, Spencer Doran, and Nita Yusuf representing the Rescue Squad.
Proclamations also recognized National Nurses Week (May 6-12) and National Historic Preservation Month.
The council passed a resolution in support of a stigma-free community. Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary President Al Smith explained that Rotary International has made mental health a top focus for the year. He said the Rotary is asking members of the community to sign a Stigma-Free Pledge to help educate themselves and others on mental health disorders and to make it a point not to use discriminatory language when discussing mental health.
The council introduced an ordinance codifying rules for the Nature Center. Updated signs will replace existing ones once the ordinance is adopted. The public hearing on the ordinance is scheduled for Monday, June 17 at 7 pm.
Another ordinance was introduced that will prohibit both the discharging of a firearm throughout the borough as well as hunting. The public hearing on the ordinance is scheduled for June 17 at 7 pm.
An ordinance was adopted that prohibits the blocking of traffic on North Martine Avenue North at Paterson Road (northbound lanes), at the municipal complex exit driveway (southbound lanes), and at North Martine and Watson Road. Most of the restrictions are in the vicinity of the borough complex where the police, rescue squad and fire department are located.
A second ordinance was adopted prohibiting parking on Tillotson Road from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (school days only) from Westfield Road to the end.
Michael Prasad of Midway Avenue inquired about the school district’s bond referendum vote on September 17, which includes a new elementary school in the borough. He asked if a Scotch Plains or Fanwood School Resource Officer would be at the school. Mayor Colleen Mahr said that a discussion about a SRO would take place if the referendum passes. Prasad also said he thinks the new school should be considered for use as an emergency shelter for Fanwood.