The Fanwood Borough Council and Mayor Colleen Mahr ushered in the new year with the annual Reorganization Meeting, held virtually this year on Monday, January 3, 2022. The meeting is required by law to set the local government and its associated contracts and contractors in motion for the coming year.

Mayor Mahr swore in a number of Borough officials, starting with Councilwoman Erin McElroy Barker to her third term and Councilwoman Patricia Walsh to her second (both also sworn-in earlier in an outdoor ceremony to include families). Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi was on hand to officially certify the election results. Mayor Mahr also swore-in Councilman Anthony Carter as Council President, Daniel Antonelli as Borough Prosecutor and Jill LaZare as Public Defender. Several officers of the Fanwood Rescue Squad, including Captain Ian Lewis and President Jamie Pedinoff, were also sworn in.

Mayor Mahr’s remarks for the new year acknowledged the tremendous challenges faced by everyone caused by COVID. She thanked Public Health Officer Megan Avallone and the Westfield Regional Health Department for its daily monitoring of the pandemic in our town and thanked the Fanwood Board of Health for its attention to the issue. The Mayor said she is looking forward to the construction of the new Fanwood Library, which will follow the current library’s temporary relocation this year. She also said discussions will continue on the proposed construction of a new public works headquarters. The Council will continue its debate over whether to open Fanwood parks to dogs as advocated by a group of dog owners. The Mayor also encouraged residents to get involved in local government, either by volunteering for one of the town’s many boards and commissions or simply by attending regular Council meetings.

The continued threat of infection by the COVID-19 virus necessitated the meeting be held virtually via ZOOM. However, Fanwood Borough Hall remains open during its posted regular hours. Visitors must wear masks. Those with business at Borough Hall are encouraged to conduct it via email, regular mail or telephone whenever possible.