(Fanwood, NJ) — Mayor Colleen Mahr and the Borough Council celebrated Girls Scouts Week and Women’s History Month at the Tuesday, March 18th meeting.
Members of Girl Scout Cadettes Troop 40969, Juniors Troop 40187, and Brownies Troop 40246 led the Mayor and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance with Scouts reading the history of the Girl Scouts, which dates back to March 12, 1912 when the first Girl Scout meeting took place.

Proclamations were presented for Girl Scouts Week, March 9-13, and Women’s History Month, celebrated during the month of March.
Joan Skubish, past co-president of the Fanwood-Scotch Plains College Club, said the organization is starting its 93rd year.

“It’s really a tribute to the women who started this that we are still in existence over this period of time,” Skubish said.
Trish Isack, scholarship chairperson of the Fanwood-Scotch Plains College Club, said the Club’s scholarship is in its 89th year. The fund provides financial assistance to young women who are pursuing a college education. Since 1936 over $810,000 in scholarship money has been awarded to 595 female students. A total of $31,000 was awarded last year to 13 recipients.
Isack said the Club’s major fundraiser, the Garden Party luncheon, will be held Sunday, April 27th from noon-4 p.m. at The Westwood in Garwood. Tickets are $65 each and can be purchased by contacting Dorothy Lusk at (908) 230-4917 or dorothyculleylusk@gmail.com.
A resolution was approved awarding a contract to T&M Associates, Bloomfield, NJ, the borough’s affordable housing planner, in an amount not-to-exceed to $37,000, to prepare a Housing Element and Fair Share Plan.
Resolutions were approved appointing Timothy Paprocki of Fanwood and Cameron Hoover of Scotch Plains as members of the Fanwood Fire Department.
Councilwoman Erin McElroy Barker said Lieutenant Dan Kranz, officer in charge of the police department, has recommended changes to the borough’s ordinance regarding department promotions. She said Lt. Kranz will be filling a sergeant’s post within the department due to a retirement in July.
She noted that the police department received 15 heavy bullet-resistant vests from the FBI Newark office at no cost to the borough. The department is also hiring full-time and part-time crossing guards. Those interested in applying should email Lt. Kranz at police@fanwoodnj.org.
She added that Lt. Kranz reached out to Union County engineering department on March 5th regarding an inquiry from resident Michael Lewis pertaining to a request for a blinking light at Martine Avenue and Trenton Avenue crosswalk. Lt. Kranz has not received a response yet, she said.
Council President Patricia Walsh said the borough went through an Insurance Services Office fire rating process and received a rating of 3 on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the best. The national average is 5.5.
She noted that the town’s spring leaf pickup begins Monday, April 14th and that the Recycling Center will be open on Saturday, April 5th. The annual Department of Public Works annual brochure has been mailed to residents with details.
Mayor Mahr noted that she will be hosting a Coffee with The Mayor on Saturday, April 5th from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the library.