Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

Egg Hunt, Easter Bunny and Hail

After a two year absence due to Covid, the Easter Egg Hunt returned to Forest Road Park in Fanwood complete with the Easter Bunny, prizes, candy and an event first, hail. This event is a massive production of the Fanwood Recreation Commission, Recreation Director Bob Budianski, local Boy Scouts and other volunteers. More than 2,000 ...

April 9th, 2022|

Spring Events Return!

Most of Fanwood's spring events are back this year and they promise to be better than ever! Here's a partial list. Reminders will appear in your Friday e-newsletter, which you can subscribe to here if you aren't already. Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 9, 10:00 AM, Forest Road Park Earth Day Community Clean-up Saturday, April ...

April 1st, 2022|

Easter Egg Hunt

The beloved Easter Egg Hunt returns to Forest Road Park this year on Saturday, April 9th, at 10:00 AM. Be there early to get a good spot because the hunt is over in seconds. Bring your basket and  get ready to have fun. Last year's popular Bunny Chute will be back!

April 1st, 2022|

Fanwood Ukraine Relief

Fanwood Borough Hall remains lit with the colors of the Ukrainian flag. Ways to help Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary — fund drive for refugees Save the Children — aid for families Catholic Relief Services — general aid to victims Jewish Federation — general aid Razom--Ukrainian volunteer support

March 11th, 2022|

2022 DPW Brochure is now available

The 2022 DPW Brochure, detailing the schedule for leaf and brush pickups and much more, is now available for download on the Recycling and Public Works pages, or by clicking here. A hard copy will appear in mailboxes shortly.

March 7th, 2022|

Fanwood Council Meeting Recap

Here are highlights of the regular meeting of the Fanwood Council and Mayor held Tuesday, February 22, 2022: Dogs in Parks…Seven citizens spoke in favor of repealing the current ordinance, which dates back 21 years, prohibiting dogs in Fanwood’s parks. Carolyn Brink, leader of a group of Fanwood dog owners, presented a petition with signatures ...

February 24th, 2022|

Council members and other officials sworn in for 2022

The Fanwood Borough Council and Mayor Colleen Mahr ushered in the new year with the annual Reorganization Meeting, held virtually this year on Monday, January 3, 2022. The meeting is required by law to set the local government and its associated contracts and contractors in motion for the coming year. Mayor Mahr swore in a ...

January 4th, 2022|

Santa’s helpers gather presents for his door-to-door visit on December 18

(Fanwood, NJ)—Volunteers began accepting presents tonight for Santa Claus to deliver to Fanwood children during his cross-town trek on December 18, 2021. The Santa Parade, interrupted last year due to the pandemic but back in full force this year, is a production of the Fanwood Fire Department. Firefighters and volunteers from their families collect the ...

December 1st, 2021|

Fanwood welcomes Hanukkah with Menorah Lighting

Fanwood neighbors and Council members turned out tonight for a ceremonial lighting of a giant Menorah to celebrate Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. Rabbi Avrohom Blesofsky of The Chabad of Union County officiated, injecting great energy into the small gathering at the North Avenue side of the train station where the Menorah stands. He ...

December 1st, 2021|

Santa Parade is back Dec. 18th!

Fanwood’s beloved Santa Parade, reduced to a drive-by last year due to the COVID pandemic, is back in all its glory! Santa will ride around town delivering presents to our good boys and girls, escorted by the Fanwood Fire Department, Rescue Squad, and police officers of PBA Local 123. Get your gifts to Santa’s elves ...

November 18th, 2021|