Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

Please make tax payments online, by drop-box, or mail-in

Due to the recent upsurge in the Omicron variant of COVID,  the Fanwood Tax Office would like to strongly encourage residents to avoid in-person tax payments.  The following alternate methods would be preferred: Mail in via regular mail Utilize the tax payment slot that is located on the outside wall near the front door of ...

January 11th, 2022|

Mayor and Council Meeting Notice for Oct 19

BOROUGH OF FANWOOD MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE Meetings of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Fanwood to be held via video and telephone conference. INFORMATION FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR THE REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 19, 2020 PURSUANT TO THE OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT N.J.S.A. 10:4-8 and N.J.S.A. 10:4-9. In accordance with ...

October 15th, 2020|

Voter Registration Ends October 13

Register to Vote! If you are not yet a registered voter, the last day to register is October 13, 2020. You have two options to register: Go to, print, complete, and mail the application. Registration forms must be postmarked or received by Municipal Clerks no later than October 13, 2020. Register online at  A valid Driver’s License or ...

October 8th, 2020|

Public Notice of Redevelopment Meeting

PUBLIC NOTICE FOR INFORMATION ONLY A Meeting of the Fanwood Downtown Redevelopment Agency has been scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2019, Fanwood Borough Hall, Mayor and Council Chambers, 75 North Martine Avenue, Fanwood, New Jersey, at 6:00 pm to discuss improvements to the downtown area.  Part of the meeting will be in Executive Session to ...

May 6th, 2019|

Celebrating 30 Years of Clean Communities Day

The Borough of Fanwood hosted its 30th Annual Clean Communities Day on Saturday, April 27. Beginning with volunteers gathering at the Millennium Clock at the south side of the Fanwood Train Station, groups began undertaking service projects to spruce-up the Borough and give our public places a spring cleaning. Thank you to all who participated ...

April 29th, 2019|

Faces of Fanwood: Photographer Sherman Feller

Sherman Feller is a longtime Fanwood resident and artist. Expressing his creativity through photography, his work is often displayed locally at various locations. His most recent exhibit, Signs of Life, will be on display from May 1st to May 26th at the Scotch Plains Public Library (1927 Bartle Ave, Scotch Plains); with a reception taking ...

April 24th, 2019|

Celebrate Earth Day’s 30th Anniversary with Us on April 27!

Come celebrate our 30th anniversary of Fanwood’s Clean Communities Day on Saturday, April 27, 2019 as part of the community’s observance of Earth Day.  Help us give the Borough a “spring cleaning”. Individual volunteers of all ages, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, interested organizations and family groups are invited to assemble at 8:30 AM by the ...

April 18th, 2019|

Borough of Fanwood Snow Removal Guidelines

As a friendly reminder to all Fanwood residents, please take note of the Borough's snow removal guidelines in anticipation of inclement weather this weekend. The Fanwood Department of Public Works (DPW) snow removal guidelines are as follows: Vehicles should be removed from streets during snowfall to help ensure streets are thoroughly plowed. Snow must be ...

January 18th, 2019|

Flu Shot Information for 2019

The 2018-19 flu season runs through March and this year's strain is expected to be particularly virulent. The Fanwood Board of Health, in association with the Westfield Regional Board of Health, would like to remind area residents that there is still time to get their annual influenza vaccination – the shots are widely available and ...

January 11th, 2019|