Board of Health
The Borough of Fanwood is a member of the Westfield Regional Board of Health. The Board of Health meeting is held on the first Thursday of the month listed at the Patricia M. Kuran Cultural Arts Center (Carriage House), 75 North Martine Ave., in Fanwood, at 7 p.m.
Environmental Commission
The Fanwood Environmental Commission is a statutory board of eight regular members and two alternates. The regular members include Liaison (Planning Board) & Liaison (Town Council).
Historic Preservation Commission
The Fanwood Historic Preservation Commission was established by Ordinance of the Borough of Fanwood to assist the Borough in the identification of resources that are of historic significance and to advise all Borough agencies regarding goals and techniques of historic preservation.
Library Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of the Fanwood Memorial Library serves as a conduit or voice for Fanwood’s citizens to the Fanwood Borough Council in our joint effort to provide superior library service to the citizens of Fanwood.
Planning Board
The Fanwood Planning Board is a Joint Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment. It is composed of nine members and four alternates including the Mayor and a Council representative. Mayor and Council representatives step down when hearings are presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Recreation Commission
The Recreation Commission is comprised of seven commissioners and four alternates and oversees recreational programs for the residents of Fanwood. All members of the Commission are volunteers who are Fanwood residents.
Shade Tree Commission
The Fanwood Shade Tree Commission was created with the passage of a local ordinance in 1962. It is the responsibility of the commission to maintain and protect all shade trees on Borough property, in Borough parks, and along all Borough streets. All trees within 10 feet of a Borough street or roadway are the responsibility of the Shade Tree Commission.
Zoning Board
The Zoning Officer is responsible for enforcing the Borough of Fanwood Land Use Ordinance. This chapter implements the Municipal Land Use law of the State of New Jersey within the Borough of Fanwood. The Zoning Office is located in the Building Deparmtent’s office at Fanwood Borough Hall.