Dear Scotch Plains-Fanwood Community,
Our schools are most successful when we all share ideas and are engaged; it’s why we value and listen to the community’s input, especially on important decisions that affect our students and residents.
The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education is in the early stages of planning a bond referendum, which could take place in the second half of 2024. We are asking Scotch Plains and Fanwood residents to participate in a short survey to help guide the district toward a referendum that matches the community’s priorities and our district’s need for more space to accommodate student population growth, while still being responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars.
While the referendum is still far off, this preliminary input will help as the Board and its architectural and financial advisers narrow down the list of construction projects.
We encourage you to make your voice heard by completing the survey, which could take as little as10 minutes! Please share your feedback before Nov. 22. High school students will also beencouraged to participate in a separate survey during their Language Arts class; they should not usethe survey link in this email.
Survey link: https://forms.gle/AG6yKDaSovipW7qD8
We appreciate your input and continued commitment to the future of Scotch Plains-Fanwood PublicSchools!
Dr. Joan Mast
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Evan Murray
Board of Education President