Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Borough Hall: 908.322.8236

Fanwood New Jersey
Fanwood New Jersey

About Susie Sefcik

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So far Susie Sefcik has created 312 blog entries.

‘Shop Local’ in Fanwood for your holiday needs

The Fanwood Business and Professional Association (FBPA) is kicking off its "Shop Local" campaign. It's in concert with the national effort to encourage shoppers to support their local businesses over the holidays and throughout the year. Statistics show shopping local is good for the local economy, and for several years American Express has promoted "Small Business Saturday" ...

November 1st, 2014|

Fanny Wood Day draws a big crowd on a beautiful day

The weather was just about perfect and a good time was had by all Sept. 28 for the 17th annual Fanny Wood Day celebration in downtown Fanwood. This year, the annual street fair featured a car show, kiddie rides, several food competitions, the hula-hoop contest, a water balloon toss, a pet parade and a host of ...

September 29th, 2014|

Party in the Park draws a record crowd

This year's Party in the Park was the place to be in Fanwood as hundreds flocked to LaGrande Park June 24 for a great evening of food, fun, games and Frozen, the movie. The crowd was the largest to attend the annual event. The hot dogs, pizza slices and other snacks were in popular demand and ...

June 25th, 2014|

FPD Chief Trigo, Sgt. Gottlick receive Valor Awards

A very proud day for Fanwood and its police department as Chief Richard Trigo and Sgt. Marc Gottlick received Valor Awards from the 200 Club, a Union County organization that supports police officers, firefighters and their families. They received the awards at a luncheon in Mountainside, May 9, for "extreme restraint and conducting themselves proficiently and ...

May 10th, 2014|

Fanwood Wins Award for Downtown Redevelopment

Fanwood Borough is the proud recipient of a 2014 New Jersey Future Smart Growth Award for our downtown redevelopment plan with the Fanwood Crossing retail/residential complex at its core. NJ Future, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that brings together concerned citizens and leaders to promote responsible land-use policies, chose Fanwood’s Block 64 Redevelopment as one of this year’s recipients in ...

April 30th, 2014|

Council Introduces 2014 Budget

The Fanwood Borough Council approved introduction of the 2014 municipal budget at the April 16th, 2014, regular Council meeting. The budget maintains Borough services at their current levels with allowed increases well under the state-mandated 2% cap. As introduced, the municipal portion of the tax increases built into the budget average $71 per household. A public ...

April 17th, 2014|

Memorial Day 2014

The Fanwood Scotch Plains Memorial Day Parade Committee announced its annual concert and parade will be held on Sunday, May 25th, and Monday, May 26th, 2014. The theme of this year’s Memorial Day events will be D-Day Normandy Beach 70th Anniversary. “It is appropriate that we remember and honor the 6000+ American casualties , including ...

April 10th, 2014|

Water Main Upgrades to Multiple Fanwood Streets

The NJ American Water utility has begun an ambitious project to replace water mains around town that are, in some cases, almost a hundred years old. The $4.8 million project should result in increased water pressure and water flow for many of our residents. Phase One of the project began the week of March 23rd with ...

April 5th, 2014|

Council Adopts Program To Find Cheaper Electricity

The Fanwood Borough Council has passed an ordinance allowing the town to look for cheaper electricity through what's called a government energy aggregation. Under the plan, adopted at a special meeting of the Council Tuesday, April 1, 2014, the Borough is empowered to hire a vendor to scour the energy market for the cheapest electricity available, ...

April 2nd, 2014|

One-Seat Ride to NY Now Available, Mon-Fri, Off-Peak Only

Mayor Colleen Mahr boarded the first of the "one seat ride" trains at Fanwood station Monday morning, March 3rd, 2014,for a ride all the way to New York without having to change trains in Newark. She is seen here about to board with Scotch Plains Mayor Kevin Glover, left, and Raritan Valley Rail Coalition trustee and ...

March 4th, 2014|