General Information
FANWOOD is an independent borough, 1.3 square miles in size, population 7,774, in Union County, New Jersey. The town is located about 25 miles west and slightly south of Newark (map). Here’s the 2020 Census info.
Fanwood’s public schools are part of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood School District. There are six elementary schools, two middle schools and one high school. A high percentage of our high school grads go to college.
Fanwood has a downtown district that includes many thriving businesses. Over the last 15 years, our downtown has enjoyed a rebirth made possible by new construction of several multi-use buildings including commercial and residential occupants. Discover Fanwood!
Many of our residents commute daily to New York City. Fanwood has a station on NJ Transit’s Raritan Valley commuter rail line. NJ Transit also has a full schedule of bus service from Fanwood to central and northern New Jersey and New York City.
Fanwood has an outstanding Department of Public Works that is squarely on top of all road and infrastructure management issues. Our roadways are maintained by our borough and Union County. Snow removal is done by both. Trash collection is provided by outside vendors. Recycling of household products is done curbside with twice monthly collections and a monthly drop-off of specialty items at our recycling center. Here’s our recycling program. Fanwood is served by a paid police force, a volunteer fire department and a volunteer ambulance squad.
Our town is served by a volunteer fire department and volunteer rescue squad. Both organizations are always looking for new members and can be contacted through their websites. The borough itself has a number of standing committees, all volunteer, which coordinate recreation programs, communications, art, historic preservation and our annual street fairs. Please contact if you wish more information on openings or want to volunteer.
Volunteers are encouraged to join this effort to have Fanwood certified as a leader in environmental sanity and the long-term life of its community. Learn more at the Sustainable Jersey page.
Fanwood was first a station along the Central New Jersey Railroad, then became its own town in 1895. Go to our HISTORY page for more information and pictures.
Famous Fanwoodians in fine form. Click here.
Each year, Fanwood produces a report on the borough’s economic health and plans for the future. The Citizens Report provides a breakdown of the borough’s operating expenses. including what it pays for the services such as police, parks and recreation, planning and economic development, general administration and any other activities.