More than 20 economic development professionals and downtown managers met in Fanwood on Wednesday, September 12 to discuss downtown economic development and hear from Fanwood Mayor Colleen Mahr about the Borough’s efforts to revitalize its downtown community.
Mayor Mahr spoke about Fanwood’s experience and the 10-year effort to attract new development, businesses and investment.
“Development takes vision, patience and commitment to design projects that reflect the town’s character and fit easily into the downtown landscape,” said Mayor Mahr. She also emphasized the importance of keeping the residents and business owners informed of plans from inception to completion.
Downtown professionals from Union County towns have been meeting regularly since late 2017 to share ideas, best practices and issues facing business districts. Topics include marketing, creation of public spaces, public arts, liquor license laws, pedestrian safety and parking. The Fanwood meeting was co-hosted with Downtown New Jersey (DNJ), a statewide organization whose mission is keeping municipal officials and professionals informed of trends, policies and legislation that affect business districts. The joint meeting was organized by Fanwood’s Economic Development Director Liz Jeffery. “Towns are more connected than ever before and this group of downtown managers fosters cooperation and collaboration,” said Ms. Jeffery.
South Orange Village Director Bob Zuckerman gave a presentation on updating zoning codes to reflect the current state of retail and business, ”Many towns have antiquated zoning regulations that hinder the ability to attract new businesses,” he said.
DNJ Executive Director Courtenay Mercer called the joint meeting incredibly informative and great forum for sharing ideas and experiences.