The Fanwood Environmental Commission will welcome back a herd of goats from Green Goats in Rhinebeck, NY, to graze in the 8 1/4 acres of the Fanwood Nature Center for a 4 week period. This season the goats will feast on new invasive plant growth before their roots can take hold.

The Fanwood Nature Center was established in 1974 and over the years has become thicketed with poison ivy, Japanese knot weed & other plants which crowd out native plant species. The goats are an environmentally safe way to clear invasive plants in areas that are difficult to manage while avoiding the use of chemical pesticides and/or herbicides which are detrimental to our environment.

The goats are planned to arrive on May 26th, depending on the weather. The Nature Center will be closed to the public for approximately 4 weeks, however, the public is welcome to view the goats from the fenceline, located along the PSE&G right of way, off of Cray Terrace or LaGrande Avenue. This will likely be the last season for the goats here in Fanwood. The Environmental Commission will be shifting their focus to replanting native plant species in the Nature Center.

FOr more information about the goats, you can visit to learn where the goats have been deployed previously.

Public inquiries can be directed to the Fanwood Environmental Commission email address