Union County residents are invited to a free workshop on fighting phone scams, online schemes and mail fraud at the Cranford Community Center, 220 Walnut Avenue in Cranford on Wednesday, May 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The “Fight the Scammers!” event is open to the public on a drop-in basis. No pre-registration is required.
“May is Older Americans Month, so seniors and those who care for the elderly are especially encouraged to come and learn how to avoid scams – and how to take action when you suspect fraudulent activity,” said Union County Freeholder Chairman Bruce H. Bergen.
Fight the Scammers! is sponsored by the Freeholder Board and presented by the Union County Office on Women and the Union County Division on Aging in partnership with the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs and the Administration for Community Living. The event features presentations by experts from the Union County Office of Consumer Affairs and the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, with ample time for questions-and-answers.
“The Internet has ramped up fraudulent activity, and consumers also need to be on the alert for new twists on scams that are perpetrated by phone and mail as well,” said Bergen.
The Cranford Community Center is ADA compliant and free parking is available adjacent to the building. The event includes light refreshments.
The Union County Office of Consumer Affairs offers a 24/7 online fraud reporting service at ucnj.org/public-safety. Union County residents can call the office at 908-654-9840 during regular business hours.
Union County supports the New Jersey Anti-Fraud Toolkit, which provides resources for seniors and other residents including an automatic fraud alert network. For more information or to sign up for fraud alerts visit FightingFraud.nj.gov.
Property owners can help guard against property and mortgage scams by signing up for the free Property Fraud Alert system at propertyfraudalert.com. More information about the service is available from the office of Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi at ucnj.org/county-clerk, or call the office at 908-527-4787.
The Union County Office on Women was established in 2016 as an initiative of Chairman Bergen. The first such office of its kind in New Jersey, the Office on Women aims to help ensure that women connect with services and programs that enable them to reach their full potential at every stage of their lives, and to raise awareness of the many contributions that women make to life in Union County.
For more information about the Union County Office on Women visit ucnj.org.