(Fanwood, NJ) – The Environmental Commission held their first Fanwood Nature Center Youth Day on Saturday as part of the Center’s 50th anniversary celebration. Bright sunny skies greeted the families that showed up for the four-hour event.

Families sign up at one of the activity tables.
Environmental Commission members.
Environmental Commission Vice-President Gary Szelc explains how take good pictures to a group of Scouts.
A family takes part in a Youth Day Activity at the Nature Center.
Families sign up at one of the activity tables.
Environmental Commission member Suzanne Sanschagrin organizes activity sheets for Scouts.

Activity tables were set up in the Terrill Road Baptist Church parking lot where Environmental Commission board members and teen volunteers explained the various activities available. Youth Day was a great opportunity for Scouts to earn their ranks and/or merit badges as numerous activities were available to partake in such as a photo scavenger hunt along the Nature Center trails to look for bridges, a tree losing its leaves, a bench or an animal.

Other sample activities included identifying things that are natural and things that are manmade, finding a tree and describing how it is helpful, and learning how to protect nature from trash. Children also made bird feeders and learned about the Leave No Trace principles of not leaving waste behind when in nature.